ワンピースの章 932 スポイラー, 予測, およびリリース日

Just before the official chapter this week releases, here are the possible spoilers and events that may happen for the upcoming One Piece Chapter 932.

続行する前に, please be reminded that this post contains spoilers from the previous chapter and may also contain spoilers for the upcoming chapter. あなたがしない場合’t care to get spoiled, させて’s have a discussion for the upcoming chapter.

ワンピースの章 932 予測

The previous chapter really caught many One Piece fans off guard. Who else would think that the Yonko who plans to kill the Straw Hat Pirates will lose her memories? 良い, this is far from expected and since it already happened, ビッグ・マム’s memory loss is a big turn of event.

ワンピースの章 931 also covers the fight between Sanji using Raid Suit No. 3 Stealth Black against Page One and as expected, it surely boost Sanjis power. We only see a short fight between the two of them and as of writing, we still dont know if Sanjis attack really settled the battle. In the next chapter, we may be seeing the continuation of their fight.

また, the upcoming chapter may also feature more about Robin. It seems like she was caught red-handed and she is now surrounded by the Orochi Oniwabanshu. She was given a chance to explain herself and hopefully, she can give a convincing reason to her action.

今, moving back to Big Mom, it has been revealed that she lost her memories. Chopper and the others are with her and while Chopper looks like he cant tell a convincing lie, I guess he will be able to somehow make Big Mom believe to what hes planning to say. いかなる場合でも, if Nami managed to get there before Big Moms crew appear, she will be able to make Big Mom believe what she says. それとは別に, チョッパー’s role as a doctor may also be tested in this unexpected event since theres a chance that Big Mom may have a wound or something. させて’s see how things unfold in One Piece Chapter 932.

Image Source@diegodamorin

ワンピースの章 932 発売日

Since there is no announcement from the previous chapter that there will be a delay, we are expecting to see the official One Piece Chapter 932 on February 11th in Shonen Jump Issue. でもいつものように, the digital scans usually release a few days before the hard copy come out. そう, most probably the digital scans may be out on February 8, 2019.

Featured Image@fanalishiro


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