
ワンピースの章 977 スポイラーリーク: 息子を探すカイドウ?

Following the epic entrance of Jinbei in the Wano Arc, ワンピースの章 977 will finally move to a bigger event that everyone should watch out. One Piece fans are usually getting spoilers ahead of the scheduled release.

そうは言っても, the One Piece 977 spoilers for the manga have already been leaked out and it’s not what everyone is expecting. Read on to learn what to expect in the upcoming One Piece manga chapter 977.

ワンピースの章 977 スポイラー

現在, we still don’t have enough information about Kaido and his background. But in this new manga chapter, it seems that we will be learning more about Kaido and his crew.

As the leaked spoiler suggests, the upcoming chapter 977 will be featuring more of Kaido’s crew. The initial translation is still rough but according to the details, Kaido is asking his subordinate what his son is doing. Kaido said that he should be in the banquet and they will have him meet Big Mom. その間, another subordinate said that Big Mom is putting on her kimono. Unexpectedly, another guy shouts that the Flying Six have arrived.

In the sea, some of the Straw Hat members tried to celebrate Jinbei’s arrival. でも, Luffy stopped them and said that they will only hold a party after defeating Kaido.



ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.