Redditのリークでワンピースの章が明らかに 1095 正式リリース前

TL;DR: ワンピースの章としてファンが盛り上がっている 1095 ゴッドバレーについての刺激的なフラッシュバックを約束します, クマの過去に関わる, 賭け金の高い残酷なトーナメント, そしてシャンクスに似た若いキャラクター.

たとえそれが集英社の週刊少年ジャンプやその他の公認情報源によって正式に発表されるまで、何かが公式であるとは言えませんが、, the people who leak this kind of stuff usually have a good track record, so we tend to trust them.

このため, fans are really excited and talking a lot about what might happen in One Piece Chapter 1095. It’s almost like the Chapter has already come out, that’s how excited they are.

This excitement makes sense, especially because of the supposed spoilers for the Chapter. These spoilers seem to focus on Bartholomew Kuma and this mysterious place called God Valley.

ワンピースの章 1095 Reddit Spoilers Leaked

What’s making fans super excited about the supposed One Piece Chapter 1095 spoilers is that it seems like this Chapter is going to give us a big flashback all about God Valley. This is a place that’s been a big mystery in the story, so fans are really looking forward to learning more about it.

ONE PIECE Chapter 1095 — Brief Spoilers

The spoilers suggest that the Chapter starts with a flashback about Bartholomew Kuma and his father’s past. It seems like this is related to the memories Kuma left on Egghead Island, which is something that Jewelry Bonney had explored before in the story.

This part of the story then leads into a bigger flashback about God Valley, which is happening 38 years before the current events in the story. This lines up with the God Valley Incident, so it looks like we’re finally going to get some insight into what happened during that historic event. And just so you know, God Valley is in the West Blue.

今, here’s where it gets really interesting. The spoilers talk about a tournament organized by the Celestial Dragons on God Valley. In this brutal contest, fighters from different races have to fight each other. What’s shocking is that the results of these tournaments decide the fate of the tribes involved, そしてその “losingtribes could face extinction. It’s a high-stakes situation.

And there’s even a hint that Kuma might be the last surviving member of his race, similar to the Lunarian King from the Beast Pirates.

To wrap it up, the initial spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1095 mention that readers will meet a young Garling Figarland in the Chapter. 興味深いことに, he’s described as looking a lot like Shanks, but with a different hairstyle.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.