ドータ 2 コントローラ

Valve が Dota を発表 2 制御装置の補助

Along with the release of the new Dota 2 バトルパス, の Aghanim’s Labyrinth, Valve has announced the Dota 2 制御装置の補助. Controller what? はい, あなたはそれを正しく読みました. ドータ 2 now has controller support, which means that you can play the game using a gamepad controller.

公式発表によると, the Dota 2 controller support is an experimental feature for the game. Quoted from the ブログ投稿,

Today’s update expands the ways players can enjoy the game by adding controller support. From choosing your hero to smashing an Ancient, you can now battle your way to victory in Dota using a controller instead of a mouse. Just plug in a Steam Input-compatible device and start steering your hero into the fray.

Since the controller support is still an experimental feature, it’s likely that players will be facing a lot of in-game issues. さらに, the developer has confirmed that every Dota 2 heroes are playable with a controller.


キング氏はカナダの IT 企業の元従業員です. 彼は今、家業に取り組んでいます. 彼はゲームと文章を書くことも大好きです.