
ウォッチ・ドッグス: レギオン – 落ち込んでいる方法

ウォッチドッグスで: レギオン, プレイヤーはたくさんのトロフィーや実績を集めることができます. これらのトロフィーの 1 つは次のように呼ばれます。 アンド・ステイ・ダウン, where you are required to take down and kill a DedSec Adversary.

If you’re wondering how to complete and obtain this アンド・ステイ・ダウン 業績, read on as we will be telling you the step-by-step guide on how to achieve it. Please note that this is a secret trophy on PS4 and achievement on Xbox One.



  • アンド・ステイ・ダウン

Check out how to obtain all the other trophies and achievements from our ウォッチ・ドッグス: レギオンガイド.


Obtaining this secret trophy can be easily done. You only need to let one of your operatives get killed by an enemy. Any operatives will do, but make sure that you have the alternative operative with the same skills.

初め, you need to go to a restricted area and attack any of the available enemies. You can provoke them to kill by attacking them with a gun. But be careful not to kill them.

After being killed, swap to any operative and quickly visit the place where your team member was killed. そこには, you will be seeing theAdversarytext next to the health bar of the killer who killed the first operative.

Takedown and kill this enemy to earn and unlock the secret trophy called “アンド・ステイ・ダウン” プレイステーションで 4. In case there is no Adversary text showing on any of the enemies around, just repeat the process to make it appear.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.