정당한 이유로 메디치의 수배자가 되는 방법 3

Guide to Achieving High Scores in Medici’s Most Wanted Feat


Medici’s Most Wanted is a feat that requires excellent combat skills, a strategic approach, and the ability to adapt to different situations. To achieve a high score and outperform your friends and the in-game leaderboard, you need to meet certain requirements and make informed decisions.

요구 사항

To maximize your feat score, ensure you possess the following qualities:

  • Basic Knowledge of Weapons: Understand the strengths and weaknesses of various weapons available in the game.
  • Strategy and Fight Tactics: Develop effective strategies and tactics for combat in your chosen areas.
  • Better Equipment and Exit Plan: Acquire superior equipment and have a plan for a safe exit in case of unfavorable circumstances.
  • Mastery in Wingsuiting, Parachuting, and Driving: Enhance your skills in wingsuiting, parachuting, and driving to navigate the game world efficiently.
  • Backup Plan: Prepare a contingency plan in case you are in danger of losing the fight.

Holding Ground or Running

  • To become the Most Wanted and reach the highest heat level, you need to decide whether to hold your ground or adopt a more mobile approach. Here are the outcomes of each choice:
  • Holding the Ground: If you choose to stay in one area, be prepared to utilize your fighting skills to their fullest and handle any casualties that may occur.
  • 달리기: Opting to be mobile requires having a vehicle at every step to evade pursuers effectively.
  • Combined Approach: A recommended approach is to strike a balance between holding the ground and being mobile. This strategy offers more security and flexibility.

옵션 A – Hold the Area

If you decide to hold your ground and engage in fights, it is advisable not to liberate three specific provinces in Medici’s largest island. The choice of provinces depends on your preferences for battle settings, such as jungles, roads, grasslands, villages, cities, mountains, snowy areas, or army bases. Avoid liberating the provinces shown in the provided screenshot, as they offer numerous fighting spots and advantages that align with your battle comfort and mentioned skills.

옵션 B – Run Run Run

If holding ground is not your forte, you can engage in a more mobile playstyle. Find police officers, eliminate them, and steal their cars to initiate a pursuit. This tactic works best at higher heat levels when the police will not call off the search. If you have the Mech DLC, it provides a significant advantage for chasing or defending your ground. 하지만, if you don’t have access to the DLC, you can head to the Libeccio province and follow the steps outlined in the provided screenshot. Take a HUMVEE, gather your men, and drive to a distant waypoint, marking locations between two rebel posts for resting during intense fights. This tactic can be employed in any locked region, so choose your area wisely.

Sustain the Heat

One crucial aspect of achieving a high score is to sustain the heat level and keep reinforcements coming. When you encounter a police officer, instead of immediately eliminating them, leave at least two enemies alive to summon more reinforcements. These enemies will continue fighting you and serve as a source of information for additional soldiers to be dispatched. This will increase the heat level and provide more opportunities to earn points.

Incorporate the aforementioned strategies and tactics into your gameplay, either individually or in combination, to maximize your feat score. Remember to focus on survival and adaptability to overcome challenging situations.

Good luck in becoming Medici’s Most Wanted!

이 가이드는 다만 원인 3 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Stubborn_Leopard. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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