Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent Save Game Data and Configuration Files Location

Aquanox Deep Descent is the newest video game published by THQ Nordic on October 17th. The game is available on multiple platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS.

If you’re playing the game on Windows PC and looking for the save game data file and the configuration files, here is where you can find them.

Aquanox Deep Descent

Configuration Files Location

Plaats: %LOCALAPPDATA%\ANX\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\

Locatie van spelgegevens opslaan

Plaats: %LOCALAPPDATA%\ANX\Saved\SaveGames\

You can download Aquanox Deep Descent on PC via Stoom.

Over de auteur

Earl is een van die gamers die bijna alle nieuwe games speelt. Maar hij speelt liever FPS en open-wereldgames.