
Regiments PC Controls and Shortcuts

Developer Bird’s Eye Games and publisher MicroProse Software have finally launched their newest single-player RTS game, Regimenten.

The game will bring you into the cold war era where you fight for your survival. To help you lead your troops, this guide will cover all of the important Regiments controls that you should know.

Regiments Controls

The following are the default Regiments key bindings. You can remap these default controls by going to the Controls tab in the settings section of the game. Make sure that you hit theApply Changesbutton to save any changes that you have made.

Functie Sleutel
Move Foward W
Beweeg achteruit S
Ga naar links EEN
Ga naar rechts D
Uitzoomen +
In zoomen
Hold to Rotate Linker Ctrl
Hold to Rotate Middelste muis knop
Hold to Move Rechter muis knop
Pauze spatiebalk
Hou op Z
Reverse Mode R
Fast Move F
Retreat Q
Modus wijzigen X
Draaien V
Aanval E
Hold Fire H
Artillery Attack T
Open Task Force Selection Panel B
Alt Mode Links Alt
Line of Sight Tool C
Schakel gebruikersinterface in l
Schakel de cursor in O
Pauzemenu Esc
Regiments Controls

This concludes our Regiments controls guide. Voor het geval we belangrijke bedieningselementen van het spel hebben gemist, aarzel dan niet om het ons te laten weten.

Regiments is now available on PC via Stoom.

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