Jak wyłączyć antyaliasing w Ostatnim pociągu do domu

Like many Unreal-Engine titles this game is a blurry mess. Here is how to disable anti-aliasing which is the cause.

How to disable Anti-aliasing

Go to this folder:
C:\Pliki programów (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\LastTrainHome\Train\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

Open GameUserSettings.ini

Find the line, make it look like this and save the file:

then open the file Scalability.ini in the same folder, make it look like this and save:




After restarting the game you can now enjoy it in crystal clear graphics.

PS. don’t forget to check the resolution. The game likes to set it to 1920×1080 per default. Change it to your native screen resolution.

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