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Rozdział One Piece 981 Opóźniony, Ujawniono nową datę premiery

Despite the pandemic in Japan, Shueisha still continues to release the newest issue of the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine which includes the new One Piece manga chapter. There is no announced delay for the release of the new issue next week but Eiichiro Oda decides put the series in hiatus. To powiedziawszy, the upcoming One Piece Chapter 981 will not be coming in the next issue.

Now that we know that there will be no new One Piece manga next week, the question is when will it be released? W tym przewodniku, we will be sharing you all the details that we know about the upcoming chapter of One Piece.

Kiedy rozdział One Piece 981 Data wydania?

Jak wspomniano powyżej, Eiichiro Oda is taking a break next week. If you’re a long-time follower of One Piece, you know that the author usually taking a one week break. Dodatkowo, the One Piece creator also revealed the release of the next chapter at the end of Chapter 980.

As seen in the last spread of the previous chapter where Kid was seen getting revenge against Apoo, Rozdział One Piece 981 will be released in the 27th issue of the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The physical magazine hit stores in Japan every Monday, which means that it will be available on June 1, 2020.

Where to read One Piece Chapter 981 online?

While Shueisha’s WSJ magazine are available every Monday, it’s not the case for the digital copy of the manga series. For fans who are following One Piece online, you will be able to read the official release of One Piece Chapter 981 w niedzielę, Może 31, 2020.

Is there a One Piece Chapter 981 spoilery?

True fans know that One Piece manga is usually being leaked ahead of its official release. Na chwilę obecną, there are still no leaked One Piece 981 spoilers and raw scans online. Jednakże, we will be posting another article if we found the official spoilers for the upcoming chapter.

O autorze

Billy jest fanem anime. W wolnym czasie uwielbia czytać mangę i oglądać anime. Jego ulubione serie anime i manga to One Piece i Hunter x Hunter.