Sterowanie klawiaturą komputerową TIME breaker

Time Breaker is SHK Interactive’s newest first-person puzzle game. You will be playing the role of Judy, and your task is to solve the mysteries surrounding the strange facility. Aby pomóc Ci zacząć, this guide will show you the full list of Time Breaker controls for Windows PC.

Time Breaker Controls

Zanim zaczniemy, be reminded that you can change and modify these default Time Breaker key bindings in the Settings section of the game.

Do przoduW
Do tyłuS
Kucanieklawisz kontrolny
InterakcjaLewy przycisk myszy
Kontrola czasuPrawy przycisk myszy
Powiększenienumer +
Uruchom ponownieR
Menu pauzywyjście
Time Breaker Controls

And this is everything you need to learn about the Time Breaker controls and shortcuts. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions about the game.

O autorze

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