Como conseguir 700 Dinheiro em Steel Racer

Here’s a simple guide on how to obtain 700 cash and earn theMoney Maker!” achievement in the game Steel Racer.

How to Earn 700 Dinheiro

Money Maker!
Pegue 700 dinheiro.

This achievement has a small issue: it only appears when the player has $700 or more upon picking up the dollar sign during the race. Na verdade, all money-related achievements have this requirement, but this one is particularly challenging to obtain without prior knowledge.

For those who play normally, reaching $700 is possible with the prize from a race. Once you achieve this milestone, do not spend the money immediately. Em vez de, enter another race to find the dollar sign on the track and unlock the achievement. The achievement will only appear if you have $700 or more at the moment you collect the dollar sign (taking into account the money you receive from it).

Este guia sobre Steel Racer Foi escrito por The_DuraNerd. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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