Como impedir que meu Android ouça?

To stop your Android from listening, there are a few steps you can take. Primeiro, disable theOK Googlefeature in your phone’s settings app.

This will prevent your device from actively listening for the wake words. Adicionalmente, turn off listening while driving, as this could also contribute to the device constantly listening.

Além disso, disable the microphone for the Google search app to ensure it does not pick up any audio. By taking these steps, you can effectively stop your Android from listening and address any privacy concerns that may arise from these features.

Pontos chave:

  • Disable theOK Googlefeature in the phone’s settings app
  • Turn off listening while driving
  • Disable the microphone for the Google search app
  • These steps will prevent the device from actively listening
  • Privacy concerns associated with these features can be addressed
  • Following these steps will effectively stop the Android from listening


Na era digital de hoje, privacy concerns have become increasingly important. With the rise of smart devices, such as Android phones, users may be worried about their devices constantly listening to their conversations.

Android phones are programmed to listen for wake words likeOK Googleto activate voice assistant features. No entanto, for those concerned about their privacy, there are steps you can take to disable these listening features.

Neste artigo, we will explore how to stop your Android phone from listening to you, ensuring your privacy remains intact.

Disable TheOK GoogleFeature In Phone Settings

The first step in preventing your Android phone from listening to you is to disable theOK Googlefeature in your phone’s settings. This feature allows you to activate the voice assistant by simply sayingOK Google.To disable it, Siga esses passos:

  • Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
  • Scroll down and select the “Google” opção.
  • Toque em “Procurar, Assistant & Voz” seguido pela “Voice.
  • Debaixo de “Voice Match” opção, toggle off theHey Google” ou “OK Google” trocar.
  • By disabling this feature, Google will no longer listen to your voice or activate the voice assistant without your consent. This provides an essential level of privacy.

    Turn Off Listening While Driving

    To further enhance your privacy, it is important to disable the listening feature while driving. While this feature can be convenient for hands-free use, it may also raise concerns regarding privacy.

    To turn off listening while driving, Siga esses passos:

  • Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
  • Navegue até o “Google” opção e toque nela.
  • Selecione “Procurar, Assistant & Voz,” então escolha “Assistant.
  • Toque em “Driving modeand toggle off the switch.
  • Disabling this feature will ensure that your Android phone does not listen to your voice while you are driving, respecting your privacy.

    Disable The Google Search App’s Microphone

    Another crucial step in preventing your Android phone from listening to you is to disable the microphone in the Google Search app. This will prevent the app from picking up any audio without your knowledge.

    To disable the microphone, Siga esses passos:

  • Go to your phone’s Settings app.
  • Scroll down and select the “aplicativos” ou “Formulários” opção.
  • Encontre e toque no “Google” aplicativo.
  • Escolha o “Permissions” opção.
  • Locate theMicrophonepermission and toggle it off.
  • By disabling the microphone permission for the Google Search app, you can be confident that no audio will be captured without your consent.


    Para concluir, privacy is a significant concern when it comes to smart devices like Android phones. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can stop your Android phone from listening to you and maintain your privacy.

    Disabling theOK Googlefeature in your phone’s settings, turning off listening while driving, and disabling the microphone in the Google Search app are essential steps to ensure that your voice is not constantly monitored. Take control of your privacy and enjoy using your Android phone without any worries.

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