NFS não vinculado – Como convidar e brincar com amigos

In Need For Speed Unbound, the action never stops. If you want to play with friends, aqui está o que você precisa saber:

  • Start the game and access the Lobby. In the player search area, enter your friend’s EA ID and send them a request to play.
  • Once the invitation is accepted, you can play together in the Lakeshore Online multiplayer mode.
  • If you want to use the crossplay feature, you can invite friends from other platforms to play with you.
  • Para ativar este recurso, go to the settings and look for the accessibility menu. In the corresponding section, you can enable the crossplay function.

Com este guia, you now know how to play with friends in Need For Speed Unbound. Divirta-se!

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.