Uma pedaço

'Uma pedaço’ Último capítulo de mangá confirma filho de Yonko Kaido

O mais novo capítulo do mangá One Piece acaba de confirmar que Yonko Kaido, a criatura mais forte do mundo, tem um filho.

Depois de derrubar o oponente, Luffy e a aliança agora estão finalmente indo para Onigashima para enfrentar Kaido e Orochi.. Enquanto Kinemon está discutindo seus planos, the Straw Hat pirates vanished in front of them. It turns out that they went straight ahead

Denjiro got worried after seeing a huge explosion at the port as he forgot to tell them about the port guardians. No entanto, they were shocked upon seeing that the Straw Hats easily took care of the opponent.

Pouco antes do capítulo terminar, the last spread of chapter 977 revealed a surprising truth about Kaido. While the Big Mom and Shogun Orochi are all excited about the banquet, Kaido was seen not in a good mood after not seeing his son in the area.

What’s that guy doing,” Kaido asked his subordinate. “My son! He should at least show his face! This is a banquet! Search for him”, the Yonko added, putting pressure on his subordinates.

This is the first time that the story confirmed that Kaido has a blood-related family. But who is his son? Is he the dragon-looking silhouette shown in one of the panels of One Piece chapter 977?

Sobre o autor

Billy é um fã de anime geek. Ele adora ler mangá e assistir anime durante seu tempo livre. Suas séries favoritas de anime e mangá são One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.