كتاب أسود

Black Book Save Game Data and File Location

This guide will help you locate Black Book save game data and files on your computer. اذا أنت’re planning to make some changes or modify the date of your Black Book saves, ثم تحقق من الدليل المذكور أدناه.

Black Book Save Game Location

Black Book is available on both Windows and Linux OS. Depending on where you play the game, here is where you can find the save game data file of Black Book.

Windows OS

ج:\المستخدمون <اسم المستخدم>\AppData\LocalLow\Morteshka\Black Book\Saves

Linux OS via Steam Play


ثانية, we highly recommend making a backup copy of the Black Book’s save file before making any changes. لن يؤدي هذا إلى الحفاظ على أمان لعبتك فحسب, ولكن أيضًا قم باستعادة أي تغييرات في حالة حدوث أي شيء سيء.

عن المؤلف

King is a former employee of an IT company in Canada. He now works on their family business. He also loves gaming and writing.