How to Fix LASO Save/Quit Trick in Halo: The Master Chief Collection

If you are struggling with the Save/Quit method when attempting to complete the LASO playlists, this guide may prove useful.


اذا أنت, like many others, are attempting to tackle the MCC LASO playlist but don’t want to spend an excessive amount of time perfecting each run, you may resort to using the Save/Quit method when playing solo. As you may know, this involves quickly saving and quitting the game upon dying, allowing you to resume from your last checkpoint.

لكن, for some players, including myself, this method doesn’t always work as intended. Despite doing everything correctly, I would often find myself respawned at the beginning of the level after just a few deaths. I scoured the internet for a solution but found none that worked. So I took matters into my own hands and tried various methods until I stumbled upon two solutions that worked for me and a few others on Steam who faced the same issue.

With these solutions, I have managed to complete 5 بعيدا عن المكان 6 LASO playlists solo, and I am currently on my way to completing the last one. Keep in mind that while this worked for me, it may not necessarily work for everyone, and I am simply sharing what worked for me in hopes of helping others.

طريقة 1

My initial attempt at resolving the issue was to have only the LASO game installed, meaning that if you were tackling the Halo 2A campaign, you would only have the campaign DLC installed. I had success with this method when playing through Reach as it was the only game I had purchased at the time.

لكن, once I installed all the other Halo games, problems started to arise. But after using this method, I was able to complete Truth and Reconciliation despite dying over 30 times without getting restarted from the beginning, which previously happened after just two deaths.

To ensure the effectiveness of the Save/Quit method, it is recommended that you only check the campaign of the game you are doing LASO on.

طريقة 2

While the first method proved effective in most cases, there were still occasions where I would get restarted despite using it. On one such occasion, I became frustrated and force quit the game. To my surprise, when I re-entered the game and resumed the level, I found myself back at my last checkpoint despite having been restarted and seeing the beginning cutscene play out.

I repeated this method on subsequent occasions and found that it worked most of the time, requiring only one force quit. لكن, there were instances where I had to do it two or three times, but it always brought me back to my last checkpoint.

To force quit the game, I would click on the ‘STOP’ زر.

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