كيف تحصل على 600,000 score in Harami Master in Yakiniku Simulator

Here’s what I did to earn the achievement The Master:


خطوة 1: Open a metronome on your web browser, phone, whatever, and set it to 55 bpm. This will vastly help to prevent timing errors.

خطوة 2: Drop pieces of meat five at a time (leave heat level at 3). Drop them with the beat, and start counting from 1 with the first meat. لذا, count 1 with the beat and first meat, 2 with the beat and second meat, 3 with the beat and third meat, حتى يكون لديك 5 meats on the grill. Make sure you drop them in a way that you’ll remember the order (أنا فعلت هذا 4 in a clockwise circle from the top with the 5th directly in the middle).

خطوة 3: Keep counting with the beat and as you count on 10, double click on the first meat to flip it. Flip the second on 11, third on 12, إلخ. They’ll either already be dark or darken a second or two after flipping; ignore this, it doesn’t matter as long as you keep in time with the metronome.

خطوة 4: Keep counting with the beat and right after you count 19, pick up and eat the first piece of meat. The timing is important, because you have less than a second to get it perfect (50,000 pts) before it burns. Repeat as you continue counting; eat the second meat just after 20, third just after 21, so on and so forth.

خطوة 5: After you’ve eaten ten (two rounds of five), there’s only one remaining, so just do the exact same process (drop with beat and start from 1, flip on 10, eat a millisecond after 19). If you did it right, you’ll earn well over 600,000 points and the achiev will pop for you.

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