Kao The Kangaroo

Kao The Kangaroo Controls and Shortcuts

Kao The Kangaroo has finally returned bringing a lot of new adventures for players to enjoy. With all the improved action and exploration, players will have to be familiar with the basic Kao The Kangaroo controls. Worry not as this guide will show you the full list of Kao The Kangaroo key bindings and shortcuts.

Kao The Kangaroo Controls

قبل أن نبدأ, keep in mind that you can change and remap these default Kao The Kangaroo controls by simply going to the settings section of the game.

تقدم إلى الأمامدبليو
تحرك للخلفس
تحرك يساراأ
تحرك يميناد
هجومزر الفأرة الايسر
لفافة (Dash/Attack)س
Previous Gloves Charge1
Next Gloves Charge3
هدفزر الماوس الايمن
رميزر الفأرة الايسر
Kao The Kangaroo Controls

And there you have it! You’re now ready to defeat all the enemies that will try to attack you in Kao The Kangaroo.

Do you have any questions relating to this Kao The Kangaroo controls guide? Feel free to let us know in the comments below.

عن المؤلف

طاقم التحرير في Game N Guides هو فريق من محبي ألعاب الفيديو الذين يغطون البيانات الصحفية, الإعلانات, التحديثات, و اكثر. يمكنك الوصول إلينا باستخدام نموذج الاتصال.