شخصية 4 Arena Ultimax Save Game File Location (كمبيوتر ويندوز)

SEGA’s newest Persona 4 Arena Ultimax has finally arrived and players have started their activities in the game. Just like the other Persona games, شخصية 4 Arena Ultimax allows players to save their progress. لكن, there are some reports that their save game data files are being corrupted after closing Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

How did it happen? للأسف, it seems that this kind of issue was caused by an improper shutdown of the PC or the game itself. لحسن الحظ, there’s a way to solve this problem by having a backup copy of the saved game data. في هذا الدليل, we will show you where to locate your Persona 4 Arena Ultimax save game.

Where are the Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Save Game Files?

Unlike other PC games where save files can be found in the documents directory, شخصية 4 Arena Ultimax save files are well-hidden to protect them from any potential threats. If you’re looking to back up the file, here is where you should go:

ج:\المستخدمون <اسم المستخدم>\AppData\Roaming\P4U2\Save\*.dat

If you’re planning to edit the save game, we highly recommend that you back up the original file first. Editing save game files may corrupt your progress in the game.

Were you able to locate your Persona 4 Arena Ultimax save game data? إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة, let us know in the comment section below.

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