Sid Meier's Civilization V

Pickett’s Recharge AchievementSid Meier’s Civilization V

Pickett’s Recharge
Capture Gettysburg with a Confederate Infantry unit possessing the George Pickett promotion.

How to Unlock the Pickett’s Recharge Achievement

Whenever an infantry unit enters its first combat, it will gain a random promotionwait until you get the Pickett promotion, then protect the unit until you reach Gettysburg and capture the city using the unit.

In case you were wondering, this is what the promotion looks like:

توجيه بواسطة Rouz.

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عن المؤلف

يعد إيرل أحد هؤلاء اللاعبين الذين سيلعبون أي ألعاب جديدة تقريبًا. لكنه يفضل أكثر لعب FPS وألعاب العالم المفتوح.