معقل: أمراء الحرب

معقل: أمراء الحرب – كيف تغير اللغة

تمامًا مثل أي لعبة كمبيوتر أخرى, players have the ability to change the default language of Stronghold: أمراء الحرب. في هذا الدليل, we will be showing you how to change language in Stronghold: أمراء الحرب.

حالياً, هناك ما مجموعه 15 languages that Stronghold: Warlords supports. لكن, the game does not fully support full audio in some of the languages. But the interface and subtitles are fully supported.

How to Change Language in Stronghold: أمراء الحرب

  1. Log into your Steam account.
  2. Right-click on a game from the Steam game library and choose Properties.
  3. Go to the Language tab.
  4. Select the language you wish to use from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Ok.

وهذا كل شيء. You have successfully changed the language in Stronghold: أمراء الحرب.

عن المؤلف

King is a former employee of an IT company in Canada. He now works on their family business. He also loves gaming and writing.