Cthulhu Mythos ADV Lunatic Whispers – So erhalten Sie alle Enden

This guide provides instructions on how to achieve each of the 7 endings in Cthulhu Mythos ADV Lunatic Whispers. As there are no English guides available, this guide aims to fill that gap. It also includes tips on sanity levels and getting bonus notes.

Before proceeding with the guide, it is recommended that you play the game once to familiarize yourself with the story and investigate everything. This will make it easier to obtain the bonus notes on subsequent playthroughs since there is an item that can help you win or lose most ability checks. It will also help you identify what you can skip clicking on.

Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, wenn Sie die Fähigkeitsüberprüfung nicht bestehen, denn eine freundliche Stimme in Ihrem Kopf wird Ihnen in diesem Fall Hilfe anbieten. Jedoch, Es kann auf Kosten Ihrer geistigen Gesundheit gehen.

Wenn Sie Fehler in dieser Anleitung finden, Bitte informieren Sie mich, damit ich es aktualisieren kann.


Während des Spiels gibt es ein paar einfache Rätsel, Lösungen finden Sie hier:

Tag 4 – Chemisches Mischen

  • Hinweis: Schauen Sie sich die Poster an der Wand an.
  • Lösung:
    • Biologisches Lösungsmittel: 231
    • Transmutationskatalysator: 113

Tag 5 – Seltsame beringte Geräte

  • Hinweis 1: Die Notizen von der Inspektion des Raums mit den Gläsern und des Raums mit den Gehirnen sollten hilfreich sein.
  • Hinweis 2: Das Wiegen der Ringe, die Sie gefunden haben, mithilfe der Kiste im Gehirnraum sollte hilfreich sein.
  • Hinweis 3: Die Nummern auf den Notizen entsprechen den Ringen auf jedem Gerät, wobei sich die Gewichte zu den Werten addieren.
  • Lösung:
    • 4Gerät: Addieren 1 mittlerer Ring und 1 kleiner Ring.
    • 5Gerät: Addieren 1 mittlerer Ring.

Tag 7 – Auswählen eines Datums

  • Hinweis 1: Schauen Sie sich den Umkleideraum an 3 Notiz.
  • Hinweis 2: The Directors journal hints at which day was the first contact.
  • Hinweis 3: You want to go to the day BEFORE the first contact.
  • Lösung: 0526
    • For ending 1 you will need to get this wrong, for all other endings you will need to enter the correct date.

Book of Eibon: Item for ability checks

In order to assist you with ability checks in subsequent playthroughs, you can acquire an item that allows you to toggle your stats between standard, 100, und 0. To obtain this item, you must reach Day? and be on track for any ending other than the first one. When prompted toEnter the locked room,” choose to go inside and click on the bookcase to read Shinjo’s book. This will grant you the Book of Eibon.

Alle Enden

Es gibt 7 Endungen, with four main criteria that can impact which one you will get.

These criteria are in Day 5 (which hand you grab), Tag 7 (whether you enter the correct date), and Day? (whether you pull on Shinjos coat and whether you use the syringe). Some of these only impact a couple of endings. There are ways you can get game overs, but they dont count as numbered endings.

Ende 1

  • Tag 7: Enter the incorrect date. (You can enter anything other than 0526.)

Ende 2

  • Tag 7: Enter the correct date. (0526.)
  • Tag ?: Anziehen’t use the syringewhen you get back to your starting room, Klick es an, wählen “Grab the Syringe”, but then clickStop and Listen”.

Ende 3

  • Tag 5: When given the choice to grab Reiji or Hatsumi’s Hand, wählen “Grab them bothbut then fail the subsequent ability checks.
  • Tag 7: Enter the correct date. (0526.)
  • Tag ?: Use the syringewhen you get back to your starting room, Klick es an, wählen “Grab the Syringe” dann “Inject the Serum”.

Ende 4

  • Tag 5: When given the choice to grab Reiji or Hatsumi’s Hand, choose to grab Reiji’s Hand.
  • Tag 7: Enter the correct date. (0526.)
  • Tag ?: Use the syringewhen you get back to your starting room, Klick es an, wählen “Grab the Syringe” dann “Inject the Serum”.

Ende 5

  • Tag 5: When given the choice to grab Reiji or Hatsumi’s Hand, choose to grab Hatsumi’s Hand.
  • Tag 7: Enter the correct date. (0526.)
  • Tag ?: Use the syringewhen you get back to your starting room, Klick es an, wählen “Grab the Syringe” dann “Inject the Serum”.

Ende 6

  • Tag 5: When given the choice to grab Reiji or Hatsumi’s Hand, wählen “Grab them bothand succeed on both subsequent ability checks.
  • Tag 7: Enter the correct date. (0526.)
  • Tag ?: When given the option toGrab Shinjos Coat” oder “Fight Back”, choose toFight Back”.
  • Tag ?: Use the syringewhen you get back to your starting room, Klick es an, wählen “Grab the Syringe” dann “Inject the Serum”.

Ende 7

  • Tag 5: When given the choice to grab Reiji or Hatsumi’s Hand, wählen “Grab them bothand succeed on both subsequent ability checks.
  • Tag 7: Enter the correct date. (0526.)
  • Tag ?: When given the option toGrab Shinjos Coat” oder “Fight Back”, choose toGrab Shinjos Coat”.
  • Tag ?: Use the syringewhen you get back to your starting room, Klick es an, wählen “Grab the Syringe” dann “Inject the Serum”.

Sanity and Bonus Notes

The game has two notes per day, and to obtain each note, a certain level of sanity must remain at the end of the day. While the first note is usually easy to obtain, the second note may be harder to get on some of the later days due to the tight sanity requirements.

Engaging with anystrangeoccurrences, such as unusual lights or blood, has the potential to decrease your sanity. If you want to maintain a high level of sanity, it is best to focus solely on collecting the items necessary for progressing through the story and avoid clicking on extraneous objects. Zusätzlich, some days offer Mental Stabilizer Pills that can help regain a small amount of sanity.

While not all things that can decrease your sanity are listed, a few common ones to watch out for are mentioned. Zusätzlich, some sanity-decreasing events may be unavoidable.

Tag 1

Mental stabilizer pill location: Im Kleiderschrank.

Tag 2

Mental stabilizer pill location: Im Medizinschrank im Raum mit den beiden großen Kapseln.

Tag 3

Mental stabilizer pill location: Im Medizinzimmer (das mit den Gläsern und dem Aquarium), auf dem unteren der beiden Regale, in denen sich alle Flaschen befinden.

Bemerkenswerter Rückgang der geistigen Gesundheit1: Du nicht’Ich brauche die Elektroschocker-Kugeln nicht, um den Tag zu Ende zu bringen, Und wenn Sie den Raum mit der Leiche betreten und Ihre Hand in die Badewanne stecken, um diese zu holen, wird dies zu einer gewissen Beeinträchtigung Ihrer geistigen Gesundheit führen. Wenn du’Ich möchte die zweite Note, Sie sollten dies vermeiden.

Bemerkenswerter Rückgang der geistigen Gesundheit2: Anziehen’Berühren Sie nicht die Wand/funkige Lichter am Ausgang, es’Das wird deinen Verstand beeinträchtigen.

Tag 4

Mental stabilizer pill location: Im verborgenen Raum, Überprüfen Sie den Schrank, In einem der Regale liegt eine Pille.

Tag 5

Mental stabilizer pill location: Unter dem fünften seltsamen Gerät–der eine der’Das ist deine Form’Ich habe Visionen gesehen von.

Wichtiger Hinweis: du wirst verlieren 15 sanity on entering the room on the left at the end of the corridor. You will therefore need to be on full sanity before going in if you want the second note. Avoid doing any extra investigation, for example do not look closer at the first strange device when prompted, as that one will lower your sanity.

Tag 6

This day is particularly strict on sanity. The left door is a no-go as you will lose too much in there. In the right door, you will have to succeed on three ability checks in a row to have enough sanity for getting the second note, as failing any check in this door will lower your sanity. Jedoch, it seems that the Book of Eibon (if you have this) also benefits your competitor, and if you have it turned on you will lose and not get the item you need to proceed. It took me a few tries with the stats set as standard to get this. Viel Glück!

Tag 7

You should easily have enough sanity on this when aiming for endings 6 und 7 Weil having Reiji and Hatsumi there with you results in you losing less sanity.

Memory Pieces

Memory Pieces can be obtained as you progress through the story, and they all contribute to a larger picture. While most Memory Pieces are obtained automatically, there is one section missing in the bottom right. If you know where to find this missing section, please inform me, and I will update the information.

  • Top left: automatically during Day1
  • Top middle: automatically during Day6
  • Top right: automatically during Day1
  • Middle left: automatically during Day4
  • Mitte: automatically during Day7
  • Middle right: automatically after setting the rings on the 4th device during Day4
  • Unten links: automatically during Day1
  • Lower middle: automatically during Day3
  • Rechts unten: ???

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