Tödliche Vorahnung 2: Glück im Unglück

Tödliche Vorahnung 2: Ein Segen in der Verkleidungs-Kontrollanleitung

Rising Star Gamesnewest action-adventure and open-world survival game is finally here. In Deadly Premonition 2: Glück im Unglück, you will be playing as a special agent where you are tasked to unveil the truth about a case back in 2005. With all the new secrets that are about to be revealed, you surely don’t want to miss any important details in the game. This is why you should at least know the basics of Deadly Premonition 2: Glück im Unglück. Talking about the basics, the first step that you need to know is to learn the default Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise controls.

Nach offiziellen Angaben, a controller is required to play Deadly Premonition 2: Glück im Unglück. Unter, you will find all the default Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise controls using a gamepad controller.

Tödliche Vorahnung 2: A Blessing in Disguise Controls

If you’re wondering if the following default Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise controls can be remapped, it seems that these are fixed button bindings. Jedoch, the game developer is offering an alternative button setup. There are four button controls in the game, aber in dieser Anleitung, you will only find the Type A button setup. You can change the setup by clicking the LB or RB on your controller.

Karte anzeigenAnsicht-Schaltfläche
Point GunLT
Switch Slot / Album DisplaySteuerkreuz nach oben / D-Pad nach unten
Quest DisplayMenütaste
Feuer / SchlagenRT
Bindestrich / AusweichenRB
Interagieren / Neu laden / BeschleunigenB
Absagen / BremseEIN
Get On/Off SkateboardX
Kamera zurücksetzen / Fighting StyleR3
BewegungLinker Analogstick
UmschauenRechter Analogstick
Tödliche Vorahnung 2: A Blessing in Disguise Controls

Sie können sich auch den vollständigen Screenshot der Spielsteuerung unten ansehen:

With all the listed controls for Deadly Premonition 2: Glück im Unglück, you’re now ready to solve the case that was supposed to be closed. Viel Glück, Agent!

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