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Eternal Evil Controls Guide für PC

This page offers the complete list of Eternal Evil keyboard and mouse controls for Windows PC. Eternal Evil is an FPS survival-horror video game developed and published by Honor Games. Since its release on November 1, 2022, the game has received a lot of positive responses from the community. Wenn Sie einer der Spieler sind, die gerade erst anfangen, this guide is one of the best things that you should be looking for.

Eternal Evil Controls

The following are the default Eternal Evil key bindings. You can change these default controls by going to Settings > Input > Key Mapping option.

Bewegen Sie sich vorwärtsW
Rückwärts bewegenS
Geh nach linksEIN
Nach rechts bewegenD
Kurze RundeAlt
Offenes InventarTab
Quick Slot AccessMittlere Maustaste
Grab ItemC
Karte öffnenM
ZielRechte Maustaste
SchießenLinke Maustaste
Neu ladenR
Lower the Weaponv
Check the BulletsQ
Eternal Evil Controls

Abgesehen von der Maus- und Tastaturunterstützung, the developer of the game has also confirmed that Eternal Evil has full controller support. Viel Glück!

Über den Autor

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