Gefunden an einem im Ladebildschirm versteckten Ort #2

Fortnite Fortbyte #13 Handbuch: Gefunden an einem im Ladebildschirm versteckten Ort #2

It’s a new day in Fortnite and as expected, a new challenge has been unlocked in Fortbyte Challenges. Heute, Epic Games has unlocked Fortbyte-Herausforderung 13 where you are tasked to find another electronic chip in the map.

If you want to find the chip without searching all the four corners of the island, here is the place that you need to visit to collect Fortbyte #13 Chip.

Gefunden an einem im Ladebildschirm versteckten Ort #2

Unlike the other chips from the previous Fortbyte challenges, Herausforderung 13 electronic chip is a bit sneaky. It was hiding in a place where no one is expecting to be there. So without further ado, Gehen wir zu seinem Standort.

Fortbyte 13 has a coordinate of I9 and it was located near the dinosaur statues in Paradise Palms. Genauso wie oben erwähnt, its location is somewhere unexpected. After you reached the dinosaur area, find the green portable toilet behind the house. All you need to do is destroy that portable toilet and Fortbyte #13 chip will appear in front of you.

Gefunden an einem im Ladebildschirm versteckten Ort #2

Und das ist es. We already published all the previous Fortbyte challenges locations and if you haven’t completed all the previous challenges, Sie können unsere überprüfen Fortnite-Anleitung directory to get started.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.