Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 4 Geheimes Banner

Fortnite-Saison 7: Geheimer Bannerstandort (Woche 4)

Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 4 is here and as usual, there is a secret banner that you need to find in the map. Here you will learn where to find the hidden banner this week.

Before you start finding the secret banner, make sure that you have already completed all the challenges available this week. If you haven’t done it yet, bitte prüfen Sie das Verknüpfung for all the Fortnite guide and challenges.

Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 4 Geheimer Bannerstandort

Once you already met the requirements, you will get a new task called Snowfall Chellenges and to complete this challenge, you have to find the secret banner for this week’s loading screen.

Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 4 Geheimer Bannerstandort
Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 4 Geheimer Bannerstandort

The secret banner for the fourth week is located in one of the wall of a house in Happy Hamlet. Go to coordinate D9 and find the house with a Big Shots signboard. Make your way to the 2nd floor of the green painted wall and once you reach the vicinity of the banner, it will automatically appear.

Und das ist es. If you want to see more guide, Besuchen Sie unbedingt unsere Fortnite-Anleitung Verzeichnis.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.