Fortnite Giant Candy Cane-Standorte

Vierzehn Tage: Zwei Standorte für riesige Zuckerstangen (14 Tage der Fortnite-Herausforderung)

Das 14 Days of Fortnite Challenges have arrived. Diesmal, players are tasked to visit two giant candy canes located across the map.

If you’re planning to complete this task as soon as possible, here are the locations of the two giant candy canes.

Fortnite Giant Candy Cane-Standorte

Giant Candy Canes Locations

While you are tasked to just visit 2 giant candy canes, es gibt 4 locations where you can find them. To help you to finish the mission quickly, we highly recommend visiting the candy canes located in Frosty Flights and Shifty Shafts. But the choice is yours, so here are all the giant candy canes locations.

  • B7just above the Frosty Flights, you can find the candy cane on top of the hill.
  • D7 – it’s located on the hill at Shifty Shafts.
  • F9 – located on the eastern part of Fatal Fields, you can find another candy cane on top of the hill.
  • I2this is the farthest candy cane located in the map. On the east of The Block and north of Wailing Woods, a candy cane is on sitting on top of the hill.

You can check the image below for the exact giant candy cane locations.

Giant Candy Canes Locations
Giant Candy Canes Locations

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Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.