How to Unlock the True Ending in View From Below

I actually don’t know the exact choices needed to get the True Ending, since some choices seem to matter while others don’t. Trotzdem, I’ll document all my choices here so that no one has to wander the darkness of Below alone. I spoilered out the most egregious sections of the guide, but it’s subjective which parts are worthy of the spoiler tag, so proceed with caution.

Fallen Temple

You may have noticed some graffiti on the wall saying not to trust her [Iris], but while the full context is complicated, it’s still an anti-true ending trick! You must befriend Iris no matter how sus she is.

Auswahl 1

Iris asks you to shed blood to open a door. I don’t think your choice here matters, but I agreed to give her the benefit of doubt.

You’ll find two locked doors as you progress. The one with hearts is an endgame event, but the other one is probably a challenge mode only event.

Diary Page

In the double puzzle room, heading to the west will get you to the first diary page. You won’t be able to return here for a very long time once you progress far enough into the dungeon, but you will get a shortcut at the end of the game, so there’s no need to start a new run if you missed it the first time.

There is no red room in this dungeon, so just keep going despite the very obvious point of no return.

Auswahl 2

Nochmal, this choice seems very inconsequential. Iris just asks how you’re holding up. Ich habe gewählt “gut,” even though that is probably a lie.

Arbor Forest

Auswahl 1

Ja, you have to befriend this sus cloaked person. Apologize to them, even if they’re a jerk about accepting your apology.

Auswahl 2

The spider will ask if you’re tailing the Crimson Skulls who kidnapped Iris. I don’t think your choice here matters, but I lied.

Diary Page

Once you’re in the puzzle room with the news reporter Piety, solve the west puzzle and go to the NW exit.

Auswahl 3

After some annoying hijinks from Bell, he’ll challenge you to a fight. Any attack you perform will knock him down to 1 PS, at which point he’ll beg for mercy and give you the choice to kill or spare him. Offensichtlich, you’ll want to spare him.

roter Raum

In the final puzzle room, there’s a path hidden in the trees on the west side of the map.

Jinx’s Quiz

To find Jinx, take the stairs in the final puzzle room.

I don’t know if this is mandatory for the true ending.

Q1: What colour is the mysterious fairy Iris?

EIN: Blau

Q2: What is the name of this forest?

EIN: Arbor Forest

Q3: Which clothing item does the thief bell famously wear?

EIN: Top hat

Glacies Cliffs

Auswahl 1

After you choose the run command in the first unbeatable battle with Rose, you are given the choice to shout at her or run away. The former seems like a waste of oxygen that Ash would need for fleeing, so I have no idea why this choice exists. I picked the choice to immediately flee of course.

Auswahl 2

This is actually an optional conversation, but you have the option to burn the snowman. That’s just mean, so obviously you should just greet them politely.

Auswahl 3

This is also an optional conversation. You can either thank or insult Bell, and the former is obviously the better choice.

Jinx’s Quiz

From the crossroads with Bell and the Snowman, head north, solve the puzzle, and head north again to find Jinx.

Q1: What colour is the Crimson Skull’s leader’s eyes?

EIN: Rot

Q2: What is the name of the temple you first woke up in?

EIN: Fallen Temple

Q3: How much HP does a mushroom item recover?

EIN: 10

Auswahl 4

You have the choice to listen in on the Crimson Skulls or ignore them. I don’t think this choice matters and that it only exists to help the player skip dialogue on a NG+ run. I chose to listen to it of course.

Diary Page

After the cloaked figure temporarily joins in the cave, you’ll eventually come across a single-key door. Go south from it to find the diary page.

roter Raum

Im Stadtgebiet, go beneath the trees and head east.

Auswahl 5

Before the second unwinnable fight against Rose, she asks if the inevitable death of your loved ones scares you. I answered yes, but I don’t know if this choice matters.

Abyss of Truth

Skippable Boss?

I think it’s possible to skip the boss battle with the Secret Keeper if you avoid examining any of the memory stones. You need to read at least one memory stone to get the true ending, so combat with the Secret Keeper is unavoidable.

Auswahl 1

You have another bit of dialogue you can skip, but I listened in. Nochmal, it probably doesn’t affect anything.

Diary Page

You’ll find a room with a minigame terminal and Bell. To the west is the door to the Beast, which you won’t be able to open yet. To the north is the diary page.

Auswahl 2

There’s an optional conversation where the Secret Keeper asks if you would be willing to join Rose as the second-in-command of the Crimson Skulls. Hell naw!

roter Raum

In the room where you meet the strange red spirit of the Abyss, you’ll notice one of the platforms has a broken border. This indicates an invisible path leading to the red room.

Bell’s Safe

If you leave the Abyss and head east towards Glacies Town, you’ll find a note that has Bell’s safe combination. I have no idea if taking the money from Bell’s safe counts against the true ending, but it’s not that big of an amount, so I didn’t take it.

Berg. Ignis

Auswahl 1

Noch einmal, you have the option to listen in to the conversation or skip it.

Na sicher, listening in provides a bit more context for Bell’s actions.

Auswahl 2

Bell will betray us and kidnap Melody. You have the option to plea or threaten. I chose to plea.

roter Raum

In the statue puzzle room, there’s an invisible bridge that leads to a secret eastern exit.

Auswahl 3

When the Pieties show up to hold off the large group of Crimson Skulls, you have the option to agree to flee immediately or offer to help. I chose the latter, but I don’t think the choice matters.

Jinx’s Quiz

After the boat ride, you’ll come to a fork in the road, and heading north up the stairs will take you to Jinx. I have no idea if this one is mandatory, but it does contain an important hint to the story if you decided to brute force the 3rd question while having insufficient knowledge.

Q1: What is the true name of the Cloaked Figure that roams Below?

EIN: Melody

Q2: What does a Poultice item do?

EIN: Heal Burn ailment.

Q3: What is the true name of the Crimson God?

EIN: Jesus

Diary Page

After solving the final mandatory block puzzle, head east of where you picked up the key.

Buying a Key?

I have no idea if this affects the ending, but I recommend buying the key from the trader in Ignis Town.

Auswahl 4

At the chapel, Rose will ask you to join her in sacrificing Melody. Answer no and you will have to fight Rose and the 3rd soul piece back to back. I think killing Rose is unavoidable for the true ending.

Piety HQ

Auswahl 1

After Melody leaves the church building, Peter asks if Ash is a child of God. I don’t think your answer matters here, but I picked yes.

In hindsight, this is probably a cringe decision on my part given the true nature of the Crimson God.

Diary Page

This is on the path to finding Melody, so it’s very hard to miss.

Auswahl 2

You can choose whether or not to forgive the news reporter for all their bad headlines about Ash. I chose forgiveness, and this will probably slightly affect some endgame dialogue.

Auswahl 3

Melody apologizes for speaking out against Peter. I pickedit’s fine,” but I don’t think the choice matters, since Ash agrees that the Pieties suck either way.

Auswahl 4

When Melody asks about what happened between Ash and Peter, you can either brush it off or gloat. I don’t thinik the choice matters here, but I picked the first one.

Peter’s Secret

If you have the rusty key, you can go into the basement of the Piety church to find out what Peter is up to. I have no idea if this is required for the true ending.


roter Raum

In the Soul Gate Tower, you’ll find a room containing a book about Ash’s activities in Below, but the east wall has a secret path. This is the final red room, but I recommend saving the Beast’s door for after you create the shortcut between the tower and the Fallen Temple.

Auswahl 1

After Iris brings you back to the Fallen Temple, you will enter battle with her and your non-attack options are disabled. Once Iris is at 1 PS, you can choose to spare or kill her. Offensichtlich, you should spare her.

Diary Page

When you return to the Soul Gate Tower, use the south exit to find the final diary page.

Gray House

In the Abyss of Truth, you probably saw a strange gray house with an empty diary in it. Alles platzieren 7 diary pages in it to reveal the rest of the house. There are no encounters, but there is a lot of lore. You can also pray in the basement, but Ash notes that doing so feels empty.

The Beast’s Lair

Return to the second console/terminal in the Abyss of Truth and go to the west exit. If you found all 5 red doors, you can enter the big door and face the Beast. Make sure to resist their temptation. I don’t know if it’s possible to do this event in the postgame with Melody, but it feels more chronologically correct to do this after regaining Ash’s fighting spirit but before the final story boss. Plus, the Beast has far less HP than the Crimson God and was clearly balanced for a solo fight.

The Final Choice

Once you defeat the Crimson God, he’ll try to tempt you into joining him. Verweigern, unless you want to get either of the bad endings.

Your Reward

If you’ve cleared all the checks for the true ending, you’ll get to read Grandpa’s final letter.

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