Lempo PC-Steuerelemente und Verknüpfungen

This page covers the list of all Lempo controls and keyboard shortcuts for Windows PC. Lempo is a psychological horror video game developed by One Trick Entertainment. Das Spiel ist derzeit auf Windows PC über Steam verfügbar.

Lempo Controls

The following are the default Lempo key bindings. Leider, these default Lempo keyboard controls are fixed as there is no in-game option to rebind them.

VerwendenLinke Maustaste / E
Show HUD and ObjectivesQ
Use Serpent’s Trial Stone1
Equip CrystalG / 2
Equip FlashlightF / 3
Equip Lighterv / 4
Show CompassC
Karte anzeigenM
ZoomenZ / Mausrad
Tap to Sprint (Consumes Vitality)R
Lempo Controls

Abgesehen von der Maus- und Tastatursteuerung, developer One Trick Entertainment has confirmed that Lempo also has full controller support. This only means that you can use a gamepad controller while playing Lempo without facing any major issues.

For the Lempo gamepad controls, please refer to the controller mapping below:

This concludes our Lempo controls guide. Falls wir wichtige Details übersehen haben, Bitte zögern Sie nicht, uns dies mitzuteilen.

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