Herr. Osomatsu The Movie

Herr. Osomatsu Movie is Now Available in Crunchyroll

Knusperrolle, an anime distributor and streaming site, hat angekündigt that they have added Herr. Ososmatsu Movie on their library!

Starting on November 8th, fans will now be able to stream and watch Mr. Osomatsu The Movie in Crunchyroll. The movie will be available to all Crunchyroll members worldwide, except for Asia.

Herr. Osomatsu Movie synopsis:

Those sextuplets are back in an all-new theatrical feature! The Matsuno sextuplets are crappy NEET virgins who still live at home even though they’re in their twenties. They happen to go to a class reunion and see that the rest of their classmates are being proper adults with actual jobs. The sextuplets are unable to keep their pathetic lives a secret and head back home in a state of melancholy. Drowning their sorrows with alcohol, Osomatsu and the others go to bed. Am nächsten Tag, they happen to find that

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.