Komplettlösung für Erfolge außerhalb des Fensters

A simple and straightforward guide on how to unlock all achievements for Outside the Window.

A window in the darkness

This achievement will unlock when you click play for the first time. It will work in either “Zen” und “Hölle” Modes.

Liebe, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

This achievement unlocks when you have built with all the layers and you open the left side to continue city building. This unlocks in either “Zen” oder “Hölle” Modi. (I found it easier to achieve in Zen mode.)

A window of clarity

This achievement unlocks when you have built with all the layers and you open the right side to continue city building. This unlocks in either “Zen” oder “Hölle” Modi. (I found it easier to achieve in Zen mode.)

Outside the window, take a rest

This achievement unlocks when you have completed the middle, left and right city building windows. You have completed the game and can take a moment to appreciate your hard work! This unlocks in either “Zen” oder “Hölle” Modi. (I found it easier to achieve in Zen mode.)

Crush them

Little people will hop on top of your dropped blocks. You will get this achievement the first time you crush one of them by dropping a block on top of them. This will work in either “Zen” oder “Hölle” Modi.

A failed landing

This achievement unlocks the first time you drop a block on on top of something unacceptable. You will know this if the line of trajectory is red instead of the level’s chosen coloring. This will unlock in either “Zen” oder “Hölle” Modi.

100 points for you

This one is only achievable in Hell. Punktzahl 100 Punkte. Viel Glück!

%……&$…@! &#

This one is only achievable in Hell. Punktzahl 250 Punkte. Viel Glück! x2

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