Guía de controles y atajos de ADACA

ADACA is a sci-fi FPS video game developed and published by Siris Pendrake. The game officially launches in July 2022, offering great features. En el juego, you will be exploring and manipulating the environment to survive.

Sin embargo, with the emerging power of the enemies, you will soon encounter difficult times. This is why you should know the basics of the game. This page offers the list of ADACA controls to help you get started.

ADACA Controls

The following are the default ADACA key bindings. Puedes cambiar estos controles predeterminados en la sección de configuración del juego..

Caminar hacia adelanteW
Caminar hacia atrásS
Ametrallar a la izquierdaA
Strafe a la derechaD
AgacharseCtrl izquierdo
piqueShift izquierdo
Saltobarra espaciadora
Arma de fuegoBoton izquierdo del raton
Apuntar / Alt FireBotón derecho del mouse
Pelea confusaF
Usar / Activarmi
Siguiente armaRueda del ratón hacia abajo
Arma anteriorMueve hacia arriba la ruleta del ratón
Switch GrenadeV
Flash LightC
Advance textmi
View Quest Logj
Equipar arma1
Equip Weapon A2
Equip Weapon B3
Guardado rápidoF6
Carga rápidaF9
Menú de pausaEsc
ADACA Controls

It is also worth noting that you can play ADACA using gamepad controllers. Although the use of a controller is possible for some gameplay, not all menus and features currently support the use of a gamepad and will require a keyboard and mouse. Developer Siris Pendrake confirmed that full controller support may be added in the future.

This concludes our ADACA controls guide. En caso de que nos hayamos perdido algún control clave importante del juego, por favor háganoslo saber lo antes posible. We will be updating this page once your suggestions have been verified.

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