fifa 20

EA Acknowledged FIFA 20 Weekend League Reward Issues, Fix Yet to Come

Electronic Arts has acknowledged the issue that many players have been reporting for their top-hit football simulation game FIFA 20. The problem with the game right now concerns FIFA 20 Weekend League Rewards, which seems to be having trouble with its distribution.

Afortunadamente, EA has responded to the report and promised to release an update to fix the issue. While no exact release date has been mention, it is expected that it will be out this weekend.

Aparte de eso, another concern has also been brought up by the FIFA 20 comunidad. It’s the Player Picks feature in FIFA 20 that stops allowing players to use the feature. Desafortunadamente, EA has temporarily disabled the feature to avoid more issues.

fifa 20 is available on PC via Origin, Estación de juegos 4, xbox uno, y interruptor de Nintendo.

Sobre el Autor

Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..