Guía de accesos directos y controles de Estencel

Developer and publisher Rone Vine has finally launched their newest souls-like video game, Estencel. If you’re one of the players who are having a hard time with the game, this guide will show you the list of all Estencel controls and keyboard shortcuts to help you get started. Estencel is currently available on Windows PC via Steam.

Estencel Controls

The following are the default Estencel key bindings. Puedes cambiar y reasignar estos controles predeterminados en la sección de configuración del juego..

Mover hacia atrásS
Mover hacia la izquierdaA
Mover a la derechaD
Esquivarbarra espaciadora
CorrerShift izquierdo
Walk Slow / Open SubslotsCtrl izquierdo
Obrar recíprocamentemi
Utilizar artículo 1R
Utilizar artículo 2T
Ataque 1Boton izquierdo del raton
Ataque 2Botón derecho del mouse
Additional Weapon 1Z
Additional Weapon 2X
Additional Weapon 3C
Additional Weapon 4V
Objetivo bloqueadoBotón central del ratón
Objetivo bloqueado (2)q
Estencel Controls

Aparte del soporte para ratón y teclado, the developer of the game has also confirmed and recommended the use of a gamepad controller. If you have a controller, use it to have a full vibe feel of this new hack-n-slash game.

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