Guía paso a paso para lograr los logros del turno de noche

Una guía rápida para ayudarte a conseguir todos los logros del juego. «Turno de noche». Please keep in mind that this guide may contain slight Spoilers.


Enter the whispering Wind.

Just start a new game. This Achievement will pop up after you enter the Graveyard.

Señor. DEATH

Find The Death Statue.

You can find the Death Statue sitting on a Grave right behind the Building next to the Warehouse.

Once you get close enough you can inspect it and the Achievement unlocks.

Skull The Massenger

Find The Skull.

En algún momento del juego, you will be sent to the Dissection Hall.

On your way back to the Security Room you can find the Skull lying on the Street. Inspect it and you’ll get the Achievement.

Coffin Inspector

Inspect All The Coffins.

At some point in the Game you will enter the underground Tomb. In order to enter a specific room you need to look for a Key in the Stone Coffins. Just make sure to open all of them (8), and you should get the Achievement.

Crying Nun

Meet The Dead Nun.

After you leave the Underground Tomb you will hear someone cry. The game forces you to check where the crying is coming from. Just go to the bright orange Light, you will find the Nun there. Once the Nun «jumpscares» you the Achievement unlocks.

esta guía sobre Turno de noche fue escrito por zuri. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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