Tesoros escondidos en el bosque de los sueños

Guía de controles de tesoros escondidos en el bosque de los sueños

Tired of playing action games? Bien, developer and publisher Paleo Games got you covered with their newest game called Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams.

In Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams, you will be exploring a world full of treasures. Sin embargo, finding these treasures is impossible if you don’t have the basic knowledge. Así que en esta guía, we will show you the basic Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams controls that will help you explore the game.

Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams Controls

If you’re wondering how to remap the default Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams controls, it seems that there is no feature for the customization option.

MovimienotStick analógico izquierdo
Movimiento de cámaraJoystick analógico derecho
Activate TreasureHold A
Invoke a SignMantenga Y
Seleccionar opciónA
Cancel SelectionB
Navigate OptionsLeft Analog Stick or D-Pad
Switch TabLB y RB
Scroll WindowStick analógico izquierdo
Menú Abrir/CerrarBotón de menú
Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams Controls

Now that you already know the default Hidden Treasures in the Forest of Dreams controls, you’re now ready to find all the treasures and decors in the game. Buena suerte!

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