Hueco 2 Guía de controles y accesos directos

MegaPixel Studio has just released their newest FPS action video game Hollow 2. En el juego, you will be exploring, lucha, and discovering what really happened in the place that you’re about to enter. Al mismo tiempo, you are tasked to destroy Shakter-One.

With all the new adventures that you’re about to start, it’s an advantage that you know the basics of the game. This page will cover all the default Hollow 2 controles para ayudarlo a comenzar.

Hueco 2 Control S

The developer of the game has confirmed that Hollow 2 can also be played using gamepad controls. But if you don’t have a controller, here are the default Hollow 2 combinaciones de teclas y atajos.

MovimienotW A S D
Mirar atrásEspacio
Use Syringe1 2 3
GPS / EscanearGRAMO
FuegoBoton izquierdo del raton
Alternative FireBotón derecho del mouse
Cambiar armaRueda de ratón
Menú de pausaEsc
Hueco 2 Control S

This is everything about the Hollow 2 control S. In case we missed any important actions in the game, no dude en hacérnoslo saber para que podamos actualizar esta página.

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