Cómo solucionar el problema de la pantalla ancha en Star Trek: Infinito

I noticed that the game did not fit on a wide-screen monitor very well, but luckily found a very simple fix.

How to Fix Wide Screen Issue

Bajo «Configuraciones de juego» in the Paradox Launcher, select the Windowed display mode. Also make sure that you set the Display Monitor to your widescreen monitor if you have multiple. The Windowed Resolution should automatically set to the resolution of your monitor.


Even though the game says it is windowed, it takes up the full screen. Cuando empiezas el juego, the loading screen will have black bars on either side of it, but once it loads, everything will be displaying correctly

If you look in ingame settings, it will say the resolution is 1920×1080, but scaling is still correct.

esta guía sobre Star Trek: Infinito fue escrito por Okibdoki. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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