Como remover «Subprocesos múltiples reducidos» Ventana emergente en OMSI 2

A brief explanation of the annoying «Reduced multithreading» pop-up and how to remove it.

What it is

Explaining the concept of multithreading is out of scope for this guide, but in layman terms, «Subprocesos múltiples reducidos» simply tells the game to do less things at once. This option should remain disabled, as it is usually not the cause of the crash, and your game will run much worse.

When you launch OMSI 2, an empty file named «closecheck» gets created. Before this happens though, it checks if the file already exists, y, if it does, provided the «Subprocesos múltiples reducidos» option is not already enabled, a pop-up will be shown asking you to enable it. Después, once you quit the game, as part of the final clean-up procedure, the file gets deleted. When the game freezes or crashes, or in any other way exits abruptly, lo hace’t get to do a final clean-up, and the file never gets deleted.

Fun fact – if we delete or create this file ourselves, we can recreate this behavior. Sin embargo, something strange happens if we create a folder named «closecheck» en cambio – we get a «File access denied» error, which interrupts the start-up procedure and the game refuses to start.

If a file named «closecheck» does not exist, it gets created; if the file exists, it does nothing. There are no checks for folders though, thus the game thinks it doesn’t exist and tries to create it, and on Windows you cant have a file with the same name as a folder in the same directory and vice versa, thus resulting in the error.

How to remove it

Please note that this tutorial is ONLY for the 2.3.004 version of the game and it will most likely NOT work with other versions.

Corrientemente, there is no option to disable this pop-up (apart from enabling «Subprocesos múltiples reducidos»), but you can remove it by patching the game executable.

  1. Si no tienes uno, download and install a hex editor (HxD will be used in this guide, puedes descargarlo aquí.
  2. Navigate to your OMSI 2 installation folder
    Open your Steam Library, haga clic derecho en DIOS MÍO 2 y seleccione Propiedades
    – Selecciona el Archivos locales tab on your left, and then click the Navegar botón
  3. Create a backup of the game executableOmsi.exe, by copying and pasting it with a different name, Por ejemplo Omsi.exe.bak
    HxD should automatically create backups for you
  4. Open the game executableOmsi.exe, in your hex editor
  5. Search for the following hexadecimal bytes, without the quotes«75 4E 6A 08»
    In HxD, hacer Ctrl+F e ir a la Hex-values pestaña
    There should always be exactly one search result, between 2E86B9 and 2E86BC
  6. Reemplace la 75 you’ve found with an EB, and save
    In HxD, click just before the 75, tipo EB (it will show up in red) and do Ctrl+S (it won’t be red anymore)

A comparison of the unpatched (izquierda) and patched (Correcto) game executables

If you wish to bring the option back, either do the exact opposite (search for the bytes «EB 4E 6A 08» y reemplazar el EB con un 75), or just replace the executable with the backup you’ve made.

If the game doesn’t start anymore, you’ve probably made a mistakereplace the executable with the backup you’ve made and start over.

esta guía sobre DIOS MÍO 2 fue escrito por brokenphilip. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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