Tutorial de No hay tiempo para relajarse, Puntas, y trucos

This guide will provide an overview of No Time to Relax and offer tips and strategies to help you get started with the game.


The objective of the game is to score points based on four stats: Dinero, Salud, Educación, and Happiness. Además, owning a pet can contribute to your overall score. There are three hidden bonus objectives that offer minor points and a competitive element.

  • Dinero: This stat reflects your monetary wealth, which you can accumulate through working, investing, and earning interest from your bank account.
  • Salud: Your physical well-being is measured by this stat. You can improve it by visiting the gym, purchasing items from the appliances shop, participating in the hiking culture event, taking care of your pet, and buying cleansing food once you have a refrigerator.
  • Educación: The education stat can be increased by pursuing degrees at the college. The time required to invest in education depends on the duration of the game.
  • Felicidad: This stat can be enhanced in various ways, such as buying food at Cluckers, interacting with your pet, shopping at the mall and appliances shop, and purchasing tickets at the cultural center.
  • Mascotas: You have the option to buy a pet for $99 at the mall. Taking care of your pet’s health is crucial to increase its score. Spending time with your pet in your apartment and providing them with toys can boost their happiness score. At the end of the game, pets contribute points based on their health and happiness levels.
  • Prima: Each game features three hidden bonus objectives that provide a small score boost. These objectives can be discovered by reading the newspaper at the market.


  • Affordable Housing: The rent for this place is $200, payable every 4 vueltas. Although it is cheaper than the fancy apartment, there is a risk of items being stolen during crime waves. Además, living here seems to attract more unfavorable random events.
  • Marketplace: If you own a fridge, you can purchase food from this location. Sin embargo, it is not advisable to buy food here if you don’t have a fridge. The marketplace also offers lottery tickets with a small chance of winning around $500. The newspaper available here reveals hidden bonus objectives for the game. Completing these objectives will give you a slight boost in your final score.
  • Luxury Housing: Rent for this upscale apartment is $400 and is due every 4 vueltas. It is recommended to move here on a rent turn before paying the $200 for the starter apartment. los $400 payment covers your rent for the week. One advantage of living here is that your belongings are safe from theft during crime wave events.
  • Banco: Visit the bank to pay rent, deposit and withdraw money, and even take out loans (although it’s not worthwhile until you have some money). It’s worth noting that any money deposited in the bank earns approximately 5% interest per turn, which can accumulate to a significant amount over a longer game. The bank also offers investments in the broker tab, but be cautious as unexpected changes in the market can result in losses.
  • VexCorp: VexCorp provides three different transportation options for faster travel around town, as well as the VexPhone, which enables you to make payments directly from your bank account.
  • Job Office: This is where you can find available jobs. The office has separate tabs for each location in town, but not all locations offer equal opportunities.
  • Cultural Center: Visit the Cultural Center to purchase event tickets. On the following turn, your random event card will be replaced with a positive cultural event, earning you happiness and/or health.
  • Universidad: The University is the only location where you can improve your education level.
  • Appliance Store: Aquí, you can buy various appliances for your apartment. The toaster and TV tabs offer happiness, while the air conditioner tab provides health benefits. Purchasing items from this store is one of the most effective ways to boost your happiness. Sin embargo, the most crucial item to consider is the refrigerator (refer to strategies for more details).
  • Mall: Head to the Mall to purchase clothing when events prompt you to do so. They also sell apartment decor items, which contribute to your happiness. Además, you can find pets and pet products here. Taking good care of pets adds to your final score in a separate category.
  • Cluckers: This is the local fast food option in town, and it’s your only choice for food if you don’t own a refrigerator. Al principio, it is essential to visit Cluckers every turn to eat. Failure to do so results in a significant time penalty. Be mindful of consuming excessive fries, as it leads to negative penalties. A recommended strategy is to alternate between buying fries on one turn and a Clucker burger on the next, etcétera.
  • Gimnasia: The Gym is the primary location for improving your health. Hacer ejercicio en el gimnasio es una forma asequible y eficaz de reducir el estrés, especialmente al comienzo del juego. Para mejorar la salud del juego a mitad y al final, el yoga es muy recomendable. Es mejor ignorar el «dejándolo arder» u opciones de batidos de proteínas, ya que no parecen proporcionar beneficios significativos.

Trabajo y Educación

Avanzar en tu carrera es crucial en este juego para obtener un ingreso sustancial.. Para conseguir un trabajo, necesitas cumplir tres requisitos: experiencia de trabajo, educación, y disponibilidad.

Experiencia de trabajo: Cada vez que haces clic en el «trabajar» pestaña, Obtienes experiencia laboral equivalente a tu salario por hora.. Por ejemplo, si empiezas con un $4 trabajo por hora, usted gana 4 puntos de experiencia cada vez que trabajas. Los empleos mejor remunerados requieren más experiencia.

Umbrales clave a considerar:

  • 100 – $6/trabajos por horas
  • 200 – $7/trabajos por horas
  • 400 – $9/trabajos por horas
  • 800 – $14/trabajo por horas en el mercado (una opción lucrativa)

Educación: Inicialmente, puedes trabajar en $4 y $6 Trabajos por hora sin ningún tipo de educación.. Por lo tanto, No vale la pena dedicar tiempo a la educación en los primeros cuatro turnos del juego., excepto quizás por un juego de 10 semanas. Los dos primeros grados sólo requieren 6 inversiones de su tiempo cada. Como consecuencia, Puede obtener un título en una sola semana una vez que ya tenga suficiente experiencia laboral para calificar para puestos mejor remunerados..

Disponibilidad: La disponibilidad de puestos de trabajo parece ser algo aleatoria.. Si su ubicación deseada no ofrece ningún puesto, es probable que otra ubicación con la misma tasa de pago tenga una vacante (aunque este no es siempre el caso).

Ropa: Es importante tener en cuenta que cada trabajo tiene requisitos de vestimenta específicos., y no podrás trabajar sin la vestimenta adecuada. Failing to notice this requirement when changing jobs can result in wasted time.

Consejos generales:

  • I recommend starting with your first job at Cluckers, as it is conveniently located near cheap housing, the gym (for early stress reduction), and allows you to eat where you work.
  • For your second job, consider a $6/hour position at the market or mall, which offers a short travel time and proximity to Cluckers and the gym.
  • As your third job, aim for a $7/hour position at the market.
  • For your fourth job, target a $9/hour role at the market.
  • Reaching the fifth job, a $14/hour position at the market, might be challenging within a 10-week game, but it’s a highly rewarding option if you manage to attain it.

Food and Eating

Everyone enjoys a good meal, and the avatars in NttR are no exception. Skipping a meal in the game results in a hefty -80 penalización de tiempo, which can have a significant impact.

Juego temprano (Semana 1-10):

  • Durante esta fase, Cluckers is your go-to place for meals. The best strategy here is to alternate between ordering fries and Cluck burgers. Be cautious not to consume excessive fries, as it can trigger unpleasant event cards. The other options at Cluckers are overpriced and only provide minimal happiness boosts, which can be obtained from better sources later in the game.

La mitad del juego (Semana 11-18):

  • By this point, you should have purchased or be close to buying a refrigerator. Acquiring a refrigerator should be your top priority and the first major purchase you make. It will save you a considerable amount of time and money, making it the best investment in the game. Once you have a refrigerator, it’s advisable to buy food in bulk (the 4-week option) from the market. There’s no need to return to Cluckers after this.

Late Game (Semana 19+):

  • En las últimas etapas del juego., you can diversify your food purchases by adding some Cleansing Foods. These provide a health boost and can be bought as a one-week supply for $120. Sin embargo, personalmente, I find it more cost-effective to rely on yoga for improving health, and I rarely opt for purchasing Cleansing Foods.


At the beginning of each turn in the game, you will encounter an event. These events are usually random, but you can influence them by purchasing a ticket at the culture center on the previous turn. Culture events are always positive in nature.

Notable events include:

  • Rent: This event occurs every 4 vueltas. The rent for cheap housing is $200, while for fancy housing it is $400. Failing to pay your rent will result in interest charges on the outstanding balance. Además, a percentage of the balance will be deducted from your wages each time you work, increasing your stress level.
  • Need New Clothes: When this event occurs, your clothing will be destroyed, and your character will appear in their under-clothes on the following turn. You will be unable to work or attend school until you purchase new clothes at the mall. If you don’t have enough money for clothes, your only option is to relax in your apartment. On the subsequent turn, you will receive enough money to buy the necessary clothing.
  • Crime Waves: Crime waves typically last for 2-3 vueltas. After the announcement of a crime wave, there is a chance that you might be mugged if you have cash on your person. Además, if you live in cheap housing, there is a possibility that one random item in your apartment will be stolen. You can avoid both of these situations by keeping your money in the bank and moving to fancy housing.
  • Investments: Two turns after purchasing an investment, it will be sold, and you will be notified whether you made a profit or suffered a loss. Investments can be a lucrative way to earn money if you are willing to take the risk. Sin embargo, keep in mind that the market can sometimes behave unpredictably.
  • Lottery: If you win the lottery, you will be notified on the following turn after purchasing the ticket. The prize generally amounts to around $500. The chances of winning are relatively small, although it does happen occasionally.
  • Culture Events: These events always have a positive effect, granting you either happiness or health. Más importante, they replace the random event that would typically occur during that turn.

Tips and Strategies

The following strategies are effective for any game mode except the short one (10 semanas):

Weeks 1-4:

  • On the first turn, purchase a bus pass from VexCorp to improve your travel speed until you can afford a car (skipping the scooter to prioritize saving for a refrigerator). Get a job at Clucker’s, eat some fries, and spend the rest of the time working. Focus on accumulating enough money ($200) and job experience (100) by the fourth turn to pay your rent and secure a $6/hour job. When paying rent, don’t forget to check the broker for potential investment opportunities. Avoid going to college during this period.

Weeks 5-8:

  • Keep an eye on your job experience. Una vez que llegues 200, it’s time to complete your first degree and upgrade to a $7/hour job. Durante esta fase, aim to start saving for a refrigerator, which is the most beneficial investment in the game. Manage stress by visiting the gym.

Weeks 9-12:

  • Por ahora, you should have acquired a refrigerator, which significantly improves your quality of life. Que no, prioritize obtaining one. You’ll likely complete your second degree and secure a $9/hour job during this period. Si aún no lo has hecho, start storing money in the bank to earn approximately 5% interest each turn. Once you have a refrigerator, consider getting a pet to accumulate points (synchronize the pet’s food with your fridge). Manage stress by engaging with your pet or visiting the gym.

Weeks 13-16:

  • You should be able to afford a car at this point, making transportation more convenient. After purchasing the car, invest in a VexPhone and deposit all your money into the bank to earn interest. You should also be close to finishing a business masters degree, which unlocks the lucrative $14/hour job at the market. Aim to have between 1,000 y 2,000 in the bank to generate decent interest. The rent event in week 16 is a suitable time to consider moving into fancy housing.

Weeks 17-20:

  • Depending on the duration of your game, you may choose to pursue the next job, which pays $15/hour at the bank (requires business clothing). By this point, you should have a considerable amount of money in the bank, earning interest and providing investment opportunities.

For long games (semana 20-30):

  • Spend your money on yoga, purchases from the appliance store or mall, and maximizing your education bar. Maintain enough work to keep your money bar high and continue earning interest.

For marathon games (semana 20+):

  • Aim for the CEO job at VexCorp, but note that it requires a significant amount of work experience and education. Since you’ll be maxing out the entire university tree, Concéntrate en elevar tus estándares rápidamente a través del yoga y compras adicionales.. Alternativamente, Considere seguir una ruta de educación en ingeniería primero y obtener trabajos en la tienda de electrodomésticos o VexCorp..

Los siguientes consejos son específicos para juegos cortos. (10 semanas):

Weeks 1-4:

  • Sigue los consejos proporcionados para otros modos de juego con los siguientes ajustes.: Considere comprar una mascota alrededor del tercer turno., siempre y cuando tengas suficiente experiencia laboral para cambiar a un nuevo trabajo en el cuarto turno.

Weeks 4-8:

  • No es necesario ahorrar para el frigorífico en las partidas cortas, Así que siéntete libre de gastar más en yoga y compras que aumenten la felicidad durante este período.. Solo necesitas completar el segundo grado para maximizar tu nivel de educación en juegos cortos., Así que trabaja para lograrlo..

Weeks 9-10:

  • en juegos cortos, Por lo general, no vale la pena intentar ahorrar dinero o comprar el VexPhone.. Es completamente posible conseguir el trabajo de $ 9 por hora en esta época., por lo que no es aconsejable aspirar a nada más alto.
esta guía sobre No hay tiempo para relajarse fue escrito por Josh8302. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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