Pokemon Let's Go Super Music Collection

Pokemon Let’s Go Official Soundtrack Is Now Available On iTunes

Tras el lanzamiento del juego el mes pasado, Game Freak has also officially released the soundtrack for Pokemon: Vamos, Pikachu and Let’s Go, Eevee.

To all Pokemon fans who are hooked and want to hear the Pokemon Let’s Go soundtrack, you can now purchase the music on iTunes.

Pokémon vamos
Pokémon vamos

The soundtrack includes all the 122 tracks that can be found from Pokémon vamos and Pokemon Yellow. Por sólo $9.99, you can grab all the tracks included on the album. Sin embargo, if you plan to only get selected tracks, you can get them for $0.99 cada. Getting all the tracks will give you 2 hours and 35 minutes fun-filled Pokemon theme environment.

You can purchase the soundtrack from aquí.

Sobre el Autor

Blogger de juegos, paracaidista y madre de 2. Escritor a tiempo parcial y también jugador. A partir de ahora, Solo juego en mi PC. Pero quién sabe, Quizás algún día me compre una PS4.