La larga oscuridad

La larga oscuridad – Guía de ubicaciones de árboles jóvenes de Mystery Lake

This guide will be covering the details on where you can find all saplings in Mystery Lake in The Long Dark game. If you’re one of the players trying to find all saplings, Entonces, esto es para ti.

Antes que empecemos, please note that this guide was created from just one character on one save file and there may be others on this map that I have missed. I decided to start with Mystery Lake since it’s a very popular map and because newer players and more experienced players both seem to enjoy spending time there. I created this on Voyageur difficulty so that I would be less likely to have areas with no spawn, hoping that would make for a slightly more complete list of spots.

Sapling Spawns 1, 2, y 3

Here is the full map location of saplings 1-3.

Sapling Spawn #1 – I found in Mystery Lake was right beside the Carter Hydro Dam:

Sapling Spawn #2 – Northeast of the Logging Camp:

Sapling Spawn #3 – Very close to #2, almost directly to the west of #2.

Sapling Spawns 4, 5, y 6

Here’s the full map location of saplings 4-5.

Sapling #4 can be found south of the Unnamed Pond and Hunter’s Blind:

Sapling #5 is located near that lone cabin that sits beside a clearing, north of the Unnamed Pond and west of the Destroyed Lookout:

Sapling #6 is just Northeast of #5, within sight (barely):

Sapling Spawns 7, 8, y 9

Full map location of samplings 7-9.

Sapling #7 is in between the railroad entrance to Forlorn Muskeg and the Trapper’s Cabin, closer to the tracks, along the rock wall that you hug when you walk to Trapper’s:

Sapling #8 can be found on the ridge where the rabbits spawn overlooking the Trapper’s Cabin:

Sapling #9 is south of the Frozen Creek and Southwest of the Unnamed Pond. To the east are some rocky hills/small mountains that stand between this spot and the train tracks, and the Camp Office is across those tracks. This one was a little hard to describe so I included two screenshots of the location from different viewpoints and a mini-map:

Sapling Spawn 10

Here’s the map location where you can find the 10th sapling in Mystery Lake:

Sapling #10 can be found just to the east of the railway entrance to Forlorn Muskeg, past the hills that are just beside the tracks. You may need to go south from the southernmost part of Mystery Lake itself and then east from there. The area is very hilly and may be difficult to find. I thought I had found them all, but this one surprised me.

Guía por My Darkling.

Sobre el Autor

Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..