Estrella Tumba

Guía de controles y atajos de TombStar

No More Robots has finally released their newest action-roguelike video game TombStar. En el juego, you will be fighting hordes of enemies, which is why you should equip yourself with enough knowledge before starting the battle. Para ayudarte a empezar, this guide will detail every TombStar controls that you should know.

TombStar Controls

The following are the default TombStar key bindings and shortcuts. These controls can be modified and remapped in the settings section of the game.

Mover hacia abajoS
Mover hacia la izquierdaA
Mover a la derechaD
DispararBoton izquierdo del raton
Subir el armaMueve hacia arriba la ruleta del ratón
Ciclo de arma hacia abajoRueda del ratón hacia abajo
Cambio rápidoq
EsquivarBotón derecho del mouse
Últimobarra espaciadora
Obrar recíprocamentemi
Abrir mapaPestaña
Menú de pausaEsc
TombStar Controls

Aparte del soporte para ratón y teclado, you can also play TombStar using gamepad controllers. According to the official page on Steam, TombStar has full controller support, which means that you can use your controller without any issue.

Here are the default gamepad controls that you should know:

ApuntarJoystick analógico derecho
MovimientosStick analógico izquierdo
Cambiar armaRB
Cambio rápidoB
Obrar recíprocamenteA
Abrir mapaY
Menú de pausaBotón de menú
TombStar Gamepad Controls

With all the listed TombStar controls above, you’re now ready to enter the fight and showcase your skills.

Por si nos hemos perdido algún detalle importante, please don’t hesitate to let us know so we can update this TombStar controls guide.

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