
Control Update 1.10 Maintenant disponible sur PC, PS4, et Xbox One

Developer Remedy Entertainment has released the latest Control update 1.10 pour PC, Playstation 4, et Xbox One.

The new Control update was set to fix minor bugs and issues appearing in the game lately such as Marshall disappearing during a boss fight, Hiss Barriers being trapped inside the pillar room, et plus.

Mis à part cela, the patch also includes stability and performance improvements. You can find the mettre à jour 1.10 journal des modifications ci-dessous.

Control Update 1.10 Notes de mise à jour


  • Fixed the issue where the Golden Cube in the Astral Toilet is not respawned right away if Jesse throws it away.
  • Fixed the issue where Marshall may disappear during the final boss fight in The Foundation.
  • Fixed the issue where Hiss Barriers keep Jesse trapped inside the Pillar room in the Upper Warehouse.
  • Fixed the issue where the Hotline message from MarshallThe Foundationcollectable is not collected if the player moves past it fast enough.
  • Fixed the issue where Jesse was not invincible while Evading. You get those iFrames back! Please use responsibly.
  • Tweaked the difficulty of the Jesse Faden Starring in Swift Platform side mission to make it easier.

Interface utilisateur

  • Fixed the issue where the Astral Constructs menu has the wrong text for the Infinite tier weapon and personal mods.


  • Various localization fixes.

A propos de l'auteur

Earl fait partie de ces joueurs qui joueront à presque tous les nouveaux jeux. Mais il préfère jouer aux FPS et aux jeux en monde ouvert.