Guide pas à pas des réalisations de DreadOut Keepers of The Dark

Effroi: Keepers of The Dark features 10 réalisations, two of them being missable and one being quite specific. The rest are all progression/story based achievements.

Réalisations liées à l'histoire

Knockinon Heaven’s Door
Open the hidden big door

There’s a Light in the End of the Tunnels
Finish the lost chapter

The main objective of the game is to banish ghosts so you can enter the big door at the end. I assume the achievement says it’s “caché” because it’s engulfed by darkness. The second achievement comes from finishing the epilogue.

Réalisations de progression

Beginner Banisher
Banish 1st Keeper

Halfway to Sanity
Bannir 4 Keepers

I Spit on Their Graves
Bannir 8 Keepers

Enjoy The Silence
Banish all Keepers


Astral Showreel
View All Linda’s Past Projections in Limbo

Cards Unlocked
Play KOTD for 2 heures

For more info on Astral Showreel, see the section below

Astral Showreel

Pour “Astral Showreel“, as soon as the game begins or whenever you die, instead of going towards the light, turn around and chase down the little light orbs to see a small recap of the first game.

Once you reveal a memory, stay still for a bit to trigger Linda’s memories. Do this with all of the orbs until you get the achievement. Note that this achievement is quite buggy, and you might have to do the orbs more than once if the achievement does not trigger.

Réalisations manquantes

Pinned Down
Defeat ‘Susuk Lady’ avec 10 ‘Susuk Needles’ ou moins

Tireur d'élite
Defeat ‘Ceramic Womanwithout damaging her decoys

If you want to go in as blind as possible:

One of the achievements asks us to defeat a boss with 10 or less needles. Plus tu en as, the weaker it is. If you played the doors in order (101, 102, etc) and obtained everything from them, you will have exactly 10 needles by the time you finish 105.

The bosses are located in door 106. “Susuk Ladyupstairs, “Ceramic Woman” en bas. I recommend going for Susuk first so you can explore freely without the fear of accidentally collecting a needle. Pour plus d'informations, refer to their respective sections.

Pinned Down

Pinned Down
Defeat ‘Susuk Lady’ avec 10 ‘Susuk Needles’ ou moins

The Susuk Lady will be located in the upper floor of the school (porte 106). To get upstairs from the spawn, take the hallway northwest and continue until you find the stairs. The scenario might look a bit different if you have already killed the Ceramic Woman, as the mannequin in front of a flyer won’t be there pointing at the Ceramic Woman. Since we’re going for the Susuk Lady, climb up the stairs and continue forwards towards your right.

Past the first door, you will find a woman in a red dress looking at a mirror while talking to herself; That’s the Susuk Lady. Take a shot of her when she stops talking (or until you see the static in the camera) and then start the boss fight. Try to give her chase until she’s dead because if you take too long she will recover.

Tireur d'élite

Tireur d'élite
Defeat ‘Ceramic Womanwithout damaging her decoys

The Ceramic Woman will be located in the lower floor of the school (porte 106). To get there from the spawn, take the hallway northwest and continue until you find the stairs. You will see a mannequin in front of a flyer pointing at the Ceramic Woman.

Enter the room where the Ceramic Woman is and take a shot of her with only her on the frame. She’s gonna start running around and you’ll have to find her hiding between a lot of othe mannequins. You can tell if it’s here due to the dark spots she has in the face, hands and even torso. The decoys you should avoid are usually completely white. Be careful when snapping a pic of her, be sure she’s alone in the frame, otherwise you might accidentally hit a decoy and fail the achievement.

Ce guide sur Effroi: Keepers of The Dark a été écrit par Renka. Vous pouvez visiter la publication originale à partir de ce lien. Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant ce guide, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre ici.

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