Frostrain Achievements Guide

This guide provides easy & strong build for Frostrain newcomer, how to use that build, and achievements guide using that build.


This guide goes along with the provided recommendated build.

This is not the only answer and you can achieve most of the achievements with the other builds.

Build Recommendation

This build is an academy (bleu) + Central Supply bureau (white gray) construire.

This build can be used regardless of who the conductor is, but the key is to quickly pull out the cards you need at the beginning, so I recommend using [MS. Jo] who provides four options when distributing cards. The penalty of needing additional happiness is that the build pumps happiness rapidly, so there is no problem at all. If the conductor has not yet been unlocked, it is possible to hire [M. Lim], but in the case of [Mme. Choi], it is difficult for the build to succeed much unless you are lucky because you are only given two options to draw a card (although it is possible to survive and win to the final destination with this build with a bit more luck than the other conductors). Néanmoins, even though the ability to mount two additional vehicles on the train seems to be of great help to the build, the game does not last long enough to benefit from the effect of the additional two until the game is over.

The academy faction has the ability(effet) of there are more than two Academy cars, one academy card is given every four cycles, and when there are four(the maximum), one academy card is given every cycle. If a total of four academy vehicles are fully upgraded (fifth floor), unlimitedIvory Towercards will be given after that, et “Ivory Toweris the end-game card of the Academy Faction, which is a vehicle that fills 180 happiness per cycle when fully upgraded, so it is actually the core of the build.

We will add to this, the step 1 effect of the Central Supply Bureau Faction. The Central Supply Bureau Faction reduces the cycle time, reducing the cycle by 2 seconds in level 1 effet(3 voitures) and reducing the cycle by 7 seconds in level 2 effet(6 voitures). Especially, en utilisant “Dept of Engine controlcard may have synergy withTrain Design Room”, the TrainPower facility of Academy faction brings higher speed of the train. Cependant, the build is mainly about Academy Faction, so only level 1 effect of the Central Supply Bureau Faction are used. If you get a card with a higher rating in the future, you can replace it, but in the latter half of the game, the Central Supply Bureau Faction card is usually replaced by a different card, so it is rare for that to be replaced.

Route Recommendation

This route may not be the best route and can be improved further on.

Build up: Early Phase

The heart of the build lies in invoking the Academy Faction as quickly as possible. Cependant, depuis le “Train Design Roomcards of the Academy Faction are gold-rated and dropped from the middle of the game, two of thePrinting House”, “Cryptography Lab” et “Bibliothèque” should be loaded onto the train as quickly as possible to activate the level 1 effet. Despite taking a rather long four cycles, the periodic butterfly effect of the Academy card is surprisingly robust, especially when lucky with the level 1 effet, la “Train Design Roomis rarely given in the beginning, in which case some difficulties, as well as game victories, can be a great case for achieving high-level achievements. Si c'est le cas, maintain the level 2 effect of the Academy Faction and add a Central Supply Bureau Faction cards each time the train levels up and eventually activate the first effect (3 cartes).

when the level 1 effect of the Academy Faction has been activated, the next thing to do is to activate the level 1 effect of the Central Supply Bureau Faction. There are a total of six types of vehicle cards in the Central Supply Bureau Faction, any of which can be used, mais le “Dept of Engine Controlshould be used as much as possible. Although this vehicle card is of silver grade, it is possible to appear as soon as the game starts, but it creates a synergy effect with theTrain Design Room” carte, which is the same TrainPower facility and part of the Academy Faction, to gradually increase the speed of the train. Il est préférable que cette carte de véhicule reste même lorsque les autres cartes de faction du Bureau central d'approvisionnement sont retirées., surtout si vous visez un [train à vitesse légère] carrière.

Même si vous avez acquis trois types de cartes de véhicule auprès de la faction Academy en montant le niveau 1 effect of the Central Supply Bureau Faction, vous devez vous concentrer sur l'installation de seulement deux types de cartes de véhicules de faction de l'Académie dans le train et de trois types de cartes de véhicules de la faction du Bureau central d'approvisionnement.. Cependant, si les quatre types de cartes de véhicules de la faction Académie ont été rassemblées tôt avant le niveau 1 l'effet de la faction du Bureau central d'approvisionnement a été activé, retirez immédiatement du train tout ou partie des véhicules de la faction du Bureau central d'approvisionnement et installez toutes les cartes de véhicule des faits de l'Académie pour activer le niveau. 2 effet.

If you get your hands on the Academy Faction, you can upgrade and organize all the Academy faction cards as soon as they come out. The top priority for the cards from the card draw is the one from the Academy Faction, and the second priority for the types of Central Supply Bureau Faction cards you already have, en particulier le “Dept of Engine Control” cartes (not applicable to those you don’t have), and if you don’t have that, you can pick the highest-rated card and discard it immediately for further resupply.

Build up: Mid Phase

If each of the level 1 effects of the Academy Faction and the Central Supply Bureau Faction were activated, the game would be in the middle of the game and theTrain Design Room”, the rare car card of the Academy Faction, would be spawned. As soon as the card is spawned, you’ll get the top pick, remove some/all of the Central Supply Bureau Faction cars from the train if necessary, and mount the Academy Faction vehicle cards on the train to activate the Academy Faction’s level 2 effet.

The effect is then triggered and the size and happiness of the train begin to skyrocket. Although the priority of drawing cards remains, la “Executive Branchcard comes second only to theAcademy Faction cards. The Executive Branch card will not be used immediately, but rather reduces the cycle time after removing the cars from the Central Supply Bureau Faction cars in the latter part of the game.

Build up: End Phase

Once the Academy Faction cars have been strengthened to the maximum and theIvory Towercards have been supplied, la “Printing Housemust be replaced with a two-storyIvory Towercar as soon as it is received. While the two-story Ivory Tower offers more happiness than the five-story Printing House, the Ivory Tower is also a type of Academy Faction and maintains the level 2 effect of the Academy Faction when theIvory Toweralong with theCryptography Room,” “Bibliothèque” et “Train Design Roomare installed on the train. Replacing other Academy Faction vehicle cards, bien sûr, will work, but there is no reason to leave Printing House, giving the lowest happiness among Academy Facts.

Cependant, the remaining three types of Academy Faction vehicles must remain intact. If additional replacements are made, even if two ivory tower vehicles are installed, there will be three types, which will eventually release the level 2 effect of Academy Faction.

Aussi, even if you remove aPrinting Housefrom the train, it should never be discarded. De cette façon, the cards from the Academy Faction effect will no longer be fixed with the Ivory Tower, and the Printing House will start to be given again. Dans ce cas, you should be absolutely aware that the Ivory Tower will not be given out until you upgrade the Printing House to a full five-story level, so keep it in your hand without discarding it.

If the first ivory tower car has reached the fifth floor, we will continue to add ivory tower cars to the train. If there is not enough space, the game will be in the final phase, so remove all three of the cars from the Central Supply Bureau Faction. Si tu as un “Executive Branch” carte, attach aExecutive Branch” et un “Ivory Tower” (no matter how many floors it is), and if you don’t have one, you will remove Central Supply Bureau Faction vehicles, sauf le “Dept of Engine Control”, and add an Ivory Tower car to the train. S'il reste de l'espace après le retrait, vous pouvez ajouter une série de voitures Tour d'Ivoire à la discrétion du joueur, qui sont encore en cours de mise à niveau, comme l'ajout d'une série de trois étages & voitures de la Tour d'Ivoire à deux étages, par exemple, mais l'avantage est que vous effectuez une mise à niveau sans condition, comme une voiture à quatre étages vous donne plus de bonheur que deux voitures à trois étages, Alors garde cela en tête.

Si vous êtes arrivé jusqu'ici, vous avez déjà terminé ou êtes sur le point de terminer le jeu. Généralement, le jeu se termine avant que la deuxième tour d'ivoire n'atteigne le cinquième étage, donc tu ne peux pas être négligent à la fin et décider de la ligne du train pour nulle part, donc il suffit de se tromper d'endroit et de faire attention aux pannes du jeu.

Build variants for some achievements will be discussed separately in the achievements section each.

Summary of how to run this build

1. Collect two of the Academy Faction cards and attach to the train to activate the Level 1 effet

2. Collect three of the Central Supply Bureau Faction cards includingDept of Engine Controland attach to the train to activate the Level 1 effet

3. Collect four types of Academy Faction cards to activate the Level 2 effet (remove the Central Supply Bureau Faction Card if necessary)

4. Fully upgrade of all Academy Faction cards

5. Remplace le “Printing Roomvehicle with the two-story or moreIvory Tower” carte

6. Continuing to build the Ivory Tower, reaching its final destination

Introduction of the Achievements Guide Part

The achievement guide is based on the recommended build presented.

I achieved it with that build, but if you feel difficult to achieve it

Je vous recommande d'essayer la nouvelle version.

Dans ce cas, Je recommande le Children of the Engine Fact ou le Red Frost Templars Fact Build.

Réalisations de base

Le dernier chef d'orchestre
Commencer le jeu.

Commencez simplement le jeu.

Collectionneur de trains
Recueillir 10 Cartes.

Dessine simplement 10 cartes.

Pas content du tout
Manquer de points de bonheur et perdre.

Perdez simplement la partie.

Les corvées sont sur moi!
Faire éclater des bulles de tâches 100 fois.

Cliquez sur la fenêtre contextuelle blanche qui apparaît sous les wagons 100 fois.

Le moteur est invincible
Améliorer le moteur pour +9.

Suivez la version recommandée et visitez les clins d'œil.

Que tu gagnes ou non, une fois que tu as atteint le niveau 10, le succès se débloque.

Réalisations du chef d'orchestre

Notre héros tordu
Gagnez en tant que M.. Lim.

Anecdote: en version coréenne, Il s'appelle “Lim Seok-Dae - Le meilleur de Lim Seok-Dae”, ce qui est assez similaire au personnage “Um Seok-Dae” du célèbre roman coréen, “우리들의 일그러진 영웅(Notre héros tordu)”. C'était aussi une personne qui captivait ses camarades de classe avec un charisme fort et glacial.. Mais finalement il est tombé de son trône…?

Mamie sait mieux
Gagnez en tant que Mme. Choi.

Oui en effet, nos mamies savent toujours ce qu'il y a de mieux pour nous. (Que diriez-vous d'un autre morceau de cookie, ma chérie?)

Montrer & Prouver
Gagnez en tant que Mme Joe.

Doux regard, mais il s'avère qu'elle est la dirigeante du monde gelé

Réalisations des visites

Vous les Mainacs! Tu as tout gelé!
Visitez le monument de la Déesse déchue.

À mi-phase du jeu, quand tu décides de la route du nord ou du sud, choisissez la route du nord et continuez ainsi. Vous pourrez trouver le monument de la Déesse déchue sur le chemin vers le nord.. Visitez ce monument.

Pas l'enlèvement!
Visitez le monument de la ville sous-marine.

À mi-phase du jeu, quand tu décides de la route du nord ou du sud, choisissez la route du sud et continuez ainsi. Vous pourrez trouver le monument de la Cité sous-marine en chemin vers le sud.. Visitez ce monument.

Anecdote: Rapture est la principale ville sous-marine d'arrière-plan du jeu “Biochoc”.

Là où tout a commencé
Visit the Contaminated Lab Landmark.

At the end phase of the game, it locates at the far southeast(lower right). Visitez ce monument.

Factions&Facilities Achievements

Lamb of God
Gagner 100 Zeal in one game.

You need to get zeal by activating the effect of the Children of the Engine. It’s the norm to keep up with the factual build, but if you’re used to the recommended build and don’t feel difficult to clear the game with it, you can also get zeal by installing the Children of Engine Faction Card instead of the Central supply Bureau Faction Card. Cependant, if the level 2 effect is not activated, the amount of enthusiasm gathering can be somewhat unstable, so it is better to maintain the level 1 effect in the first half and then take thePropaganda Stationcard from the second half of the game to activate the level 2 effet.

Old Foe
Win with communication synergy activated.

While using that build, you can easily achieve it by holding aCommunication Stationcard and aFirst Room” carte, mounting it on the train just before you reach your final destination and winning the game.

Anecdote) Since this game has the motive from the movieSnow Piercer”, this is the homage of the communication betweenTail car” et “Head car”. The korean name of this achievement is “오랜 친구”, which actually means “Vieil ami”.

You Make Your Own Luck
Win with level 2 entertainment synergy activated.

While using that build, you can easily achieve it by holding an Entertainment Facility cards and placing it on the train just before you reach your final destination and winning the game. Cependant, because of you need five cards, you may have to abandon the Central supply Bureau Faction cards that were originally fitted to the train and proceed with some Entertainment facility cards in place through the game.

The Great Explorer
Activate the Explorer’s Guild synergy and visit 36 nœuds.

While using this build, you should fill your position with a total of three Explorer’s guild Faction cards as quickly as possible. Only when the Explorer’s Guild effect is activated will the nod visit count be carried out, and if the process is slow and you lack nods to your final destination, you can give up your victory and go to another nod. This achievement is achieved as soon as the base visit count reaches 36.

Tower of Babel
Upgrade the Ivory Tower to 5 étoiles.

Using this build may unlock this achievement naturally.

Survivre&Victory Condition Achievements

Super Rapid Train
Win the game within 36 jours.

Use this build, mais (Regardless of type) add one more TrainPower Facility card along the [Super Rapid Train] route among the recommended routes. There is no need to upgrade the TrainPower Facility cards and it is not difficult to achieve by maintaining the TrainPower Level 2 effet.

Reach Day 45.

Reach Day 49.

These two achievements, especially [-66666], need some luck to be achieved with this build. It’s easier to achieve with the Children of the Engine / Red Frost Templars Faction build, but if you’re used to this build, it’s not an impossible feat.

The level 2 effect of the Academy Facts should be activated early to build up as much happiness as possible.

Dans ce cas, you can stay in the red square area just before your final destination to avoid the snowstorm, et quand la carte est complètement envahie par la tempête de neige, tu peux t'accrocher le plus possible à la tour d'ivoire. Cela peut être réalisé sans gagner, et même si le niveau de bonheur est nul, cela peut être réalisé en entrant le jour 49 du délai de grâce pour la défaite pendant une certaine période. (Y compris quand tu perds dès le jour 49 commence)

Train heureux
Gagnez le jeu avec plus de 20,000 points de bonheur.

Si cette construction est terminée plus tôt, c’est facile à réaliser en vous dirigeant directement vers votre destination finale sans trop tarder.

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