Gangsta: Le retour

Gangsta: Le guide des contrôles de retour

This guide will be showing you the complete list of Gangsta: The Return controls for PC. Gangsta: The Return is an action-shooter game featuring zombie, soldat, and monster fighting. It also comes with a different weapon that players can equip to increase their survival chance on the battlefield.

Gangsta: The Return Controls

CourirDécalage à gauche
TirerBouton gauche de la souris
ObjectifBouton droit de la souris
AccroupissementCtrl gauche
Use Magic Skill4
Use Injector to Heal0
Kick Attack5
Start Car When InsideCtrl gauche
Equip Car WeaponsQ
TirerBouton gauche de la souris
Car LightsL
Gangsta: Le retour

And this is everything that you need to learn about the Gangsta: The Return keybindings and controls. Malheureusement, it seems that there is no in-game options to modify or remap these default controls.

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