Comment désactiver les services en ligne Epic dans HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED 2 – Turbocompressé

EOS a été ajouté au jeu en décembre 18, 2023; deux mois après la sortie.


In the December 18, 2023 mettre à jour, as was warned in its patch notes, Milestone added Epic Online Services (EOS) to the game in order to add functionality for cross-platform friends parties. But what if you have zero need of that (comme moi, who’s a lone wolf player)? Bonnes nouvelles: You can disable EOS from the game, and cross-platform multiplayer will still function without issues as it did during the game’s launch period!

How to disable EOS

As a preamble, if EOS was already installed by the game (or any other game), uninstall it first using your means of choice.Browse to the game’s local files and:

-in hotwheels2.ini, change the line NoOperation=0 to NoOperation=1
-dans le “Installers” dossier, rename the following files:


to something else, like this for example:


C'est ça!

REMARQUE: You will have to do this on every game update, because Steam game updates also verify a game’s files integrity at the same time.

Ce guide sur LES ROUES CHAUDES LIBÉRÉES 2 - Turbocompressé a été écrit par Ganba le Nésoberi. Vous pouvez visiter la publication originale à partir de ce lien. Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant ce guide, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre ici.

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