Nexus écarlate

Comment télécharger la démo de Scarlet Nexus sur PS4 et PS5

Following the release of the Scarlet Nexus demo version for Xbox One and Xbox Series X, Bandai Namco has officially announced that PlayStation players can now also experience the demo of the game.

Scarlet Nexus has been announced last year. Since its announcement, the game developer has been slowly releasing more and more details about Scarlet Nexus. Earlier this month, Bandai Namco has opened the table for players who are interested in pre-order the game.

Players on all platforms, including the PC, will now be able to secure a copy of Scarlet Nexus. Scarlet Nexus comes in two different versionsthe Standard Edition and the Deluxe Edition. Comme n'importe quel autre jeu, players will be getting some in-game bonuses depending on which edition they are planning to get.

Download Scarlet Nexus Demo on PS4 and PS5

Starting on May 28, 2021, PlayStation owners can have a taste of the exciting and epic world of Scarlet Nexus. The Scarlet Nexus demo will be available on both PlayStation 4 et Playstation 5.

For those who are planning to try the game, n'hésitez pas à le visiter lien. You can also pre-order the game on the same link mentioned earlier.

A propos de l'auteur

William est un passionné d'automobile. Quand il était encore enfant, son père l'emmène toujours aux compétitions de F4. À présent, c'est un grand fan de jeux de course.